It is generally not the best idea to get married right out of high school or even college. Kelsey Torgerson, a licensed clinical social worker, tells Brides that people should generally wait until they are at least 25 to get married. Before age 25 the brain is not fully developed, so a person may not yet be totally sure what he or she wants in a partner. Waiting until at least 25 may also give a young couple time to experience challenges together that will shed light on whether they are compatible during both the good times and the bad.
高中甚至大学毕业后就结婚通常不是最好的选择。Kelsey Torgerson是一名注册临床社会工作者,他告诉新娘们,人们通常应该等到至少25岁才结婚。在25岁之前,大脑还没有完全发育,所以一个人可能还不能完全确定他或她想要伴侣做什么。至少等到25岁,年轻的情侣们可能会有时间一起经历挑战,从而弄清楚他们是否能在幸福和逆境中和谐相处。
Weena Cullins, a therapist specializing in premarital and relationship counseling, told Brides that in her clinical experience, 28-year-old brides are more prepared for a healthy marriage due to their confidence, self-awareness, and life experience. On the other hand, she says that it is best for men to marry at age 32, when they have matured and settled into a career. Anecdotal experience is all well and good, but what does the data say?
Our experts' claims have been confirmed: compared to people who marry at a younger age, people who marry above the age of 25 are 50% less likely to divorce within five years. According to research conducted by Nicholas H. Wolfinger at the Institute for Family Studies, divorce rates are lowest for people who first get married at around 30-34 years of age.
我们专家的说法已经得到证实:与年轻人相比,25岁以上结婚的人在五年内离婚的可能性要低50%。根据家庭研究所尼古拉斯·H·沃尔芬格(Nicholas H.Wolfinger)的研究,30-34岁左右首次结婚的人离婚率最低。
But what about people who first get married at 35 or older? Wolfinger hypothesizes that some of these people may have struggled to find a partner due to interpersonal difficulties, and may be more likely to divorce for that same reason. He also suggests that maybe "people who marry later face a pool of potential spouses that has been winnowed down to exclude the individuals most predisposed to succeed at matrimony."
Not all experts agree with this, though. Phillip Cohen, sociologist at the University of Maryland, presents a model that suggests women are least likely to get divorced if they first marry between ages 45 and 49 (an age group excluded by Wolfinger's analysis), and that the most important predictor of divorce may be level of education, with college graduates having lower divorce rates.
不过,并非所有专家都同意这一点。马里兰大学社会学家Phillip Cohen提出了一个模型,该模型表明,如果女性在45岁到49岁之间结婚(一个被Wolfinger的分析排除的年龄组),那么她们离婚的可能性最小,而且离婚最重要的预测因素可能是教育程度,因为大学毕业生的离婚率较低。
Perhaps April Davis, founder of LUMA Luxury Matchmaking, said it best when speaking to Brides: "The best time to get married is when you feel comfortable and confident in your job and personal life. If you were to give yourself an exact age, you might find that you settle for whomever you're with at that age."
也许,LUMA Luxury Matchmaking的创始人April Davis在与新娘交谈时做了更好的总结:“结婚的最佳年龄是在你对工作和个人生活感到舒适和自信的时候。如果非要给自己一个确切的年龄,你会发现,在那个年纪,不管和谁在一起,你都会安于现状。”