虽然米饭是许多受欢迎的食物和菜肴的主食,但作为剩饭吃可能并不总是安全的。这是因为如果没有妥善储存或重新加热,吃剩饭可能会导致食物中毒。据国际食品信息委员会基金会食品技术通讯部主任Tamika Sims博士说,大米可能含有一种叫做蜡样芽孢杆菌的有害细菌。当食物在室温下放置太久时,它的孢子会产生毒素。
The longer the rice is left out, the greater the chance that it will give you food poisoning, which can cause nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. That's why it's important to store your rice correctly by refrigerating it shortly after you're done cooking it. "Within two hours of cooking food (or after it is removed from the stove, microwave, etc.) leftovers should be refrigerated," Sims told Romper.
It may not be enough to just stick it in the fridge, however. Real Simple says that cooked rice needs to be stored at 40 degrees Fahrenheit and should be disposed of after 3-4 days. It might also be helpful to store your rice in shallow containers while it's still hot. This can help prevent and reduce bacteria growth. While rice has a much longer shelf life if you store it in the freezer, you should discard it after 3-4 months.
然而,仅仅把它放在冰箱里可能还不够。Real Simple表示,煮熟的米饭需要在40华氏度下储存,并应在3-4天内处理掉。在米饭还热的时候,把它放在浅容器里可能也会有好处。这有助于防止和减少细菌生长。虽然把大米储存在冰箱里,它的保质期要长得多,但在3-4个月后,还是应该把它扔掉。
When it comes to reheating your leftover rice, you can either microwave it, steam it, or stir-fry it. If you decide to microwave your rice, make sure you add 1-2 tablespoons of water for every cup of rice. This will help ensure that the rice re-steams while it heats up in the microwave for 3-4 minutes.
The same goes for steaming your leftover rice in a saucepan, except the internal temperature should be at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. If you want to stir-fry your rice, however, you'll need to cook it in a sauté pan or a wok over medium heat while coating it in a layer of oil. Before you serve it, you should check the internal temperature to make sure it's over 165 degrees Fahrenheit.