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    Most parents know children sometimes aren't the biggest fans of bath time. But if you're struggling to get your kid into the tub every night, you can take solace in the fact that bathing daily may not be necessary for children. In fact, according to guidelines from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), it's only necessary for children ages 6 to 11 to bathe at least once or twice a week. However, more frequent baths may be necessary if they are active or dirty. Children also need to bathe after swimming in a pool, lake, the ocean, or another body of water, and if they are sweaty, dirty, or stinky.


    Babies, toddlers, and children younger than 6 should also be getting into the bathtub at least a couple of times a week, according to the Cleveland Clinic. While their delicate skin doesn't need to be bathed daily, if babies or young children get dirty or have an explosive diaper incident, bathing more frequently is definitely encouraged.


    By the time kids hit puberty and enter their tween and teen years, they should be bathing daily. The AAD also recommends they wash their face two times a day to remove oil and dirt buildup. This can help prevent acne, per the Cleveland Clinic. And of course, they should also shower after playing sports, swimming, or sweating.


    Bath time tips for parents


    While some people fear bathing too often may irritate the skin, that's really not too much of a concern, according to the Cleveland Clinic, especially if you're using gentle soaps. However, harsh antimicrobial soaps can dry out skin, so avoid bathing your child with these unless instructed by your pediatrician. "Choose mild soaps that don't lather up too much and don't have added fragrance," says Joan Tamburro, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic, in a post on the hospital's website. "And don't assume all baby soaps are mild." Always remember you can ask your doctor for recommendations if you're not sure which soap to use during your child's bath.

    尽管有些人担心洗澡太频繁可能会刺激皮肤,但根据克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)的说法,这真的不是太大的问题,尤其是当你使用温和的香皂时。然而,强力抗菌肥皂会使皮肤干燥,所以除非儿科医生指示,否则不要用这些肥皂给孩子洗澡。克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)的皮肤科医生琼·坦布罗(Joan Tamburro)在医院网站上的一篇文章中说:“选择温和的香皂,不要产生太多泡沫,也不要增加香味。”“不要以为所有的婴儿香皂都是温和的。”记住,如果你不确定给孩子洗澡时用哪种肥皂,你可以向医生寻求建议。

    To make bath time more appealing to younger children, consider making it a time when they hear their favorite stories or play with their favorite waterproof bath toys. Just make sure these toys are non-toxic and don't harbor mold, fungus, or bacteria, Tamburro advises.


      上一篇:我吃了一根头发,怎么办? 下一篇:给喜欢每天泡澡的你


