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    Walking is seriously underrated. As fitness expert Denise Austin told Prevention, "Walking is so simple that [nearly] everyone can do it. Plus it has tremendous benefits, from supporting a healthy immune system to boosting your metabolism to strengthening your joints, muscles, and bones — not to mention it's amazing for stress relief and enjoying a little 'me time.'" But one of walking's biggest (and often forgotten) benefits is weight loss. Here's what taking a walk every day really does for weight loss.

    散步被严重低估了。正如健身专家Denise Austin所说,“步行非常简单,几乎每个人都能做到。此外,它还具有巨大的好处,从支持健康的免疫系统到促进新陈代谢,再到加强关节、肌肉和骨骼——更不用说它对缓解压力和享受一点“自我时间”的神奇作用了。”但步行最大的好处之一(常常被遗忘)好处是减肥。以下是每天散步对减肥的真正作用。

    Ultimately, walking every day is one of the best ways to target belly fat. "As you continue to walk, you may notice your pants begin to fit more loosely around your midsection, even if the number on the scale isn't moving much," Melina B. Jampolis, M.D., author of The Doctor on Demand Diet told Prevention. She explained, "That's because regular walking can help improve your body's response to insulin, which can help reduce belly fat."

    归根结底,每天步行是针对腹部脂肪的最佳方式之一。“当你继续行走时,你可能会注意到你的裤子开始更加宽松,即使体重秤上的数字没有太大变化,”Melina B. Jampolis医学博士告诉《预防》。她解释说:“这是因为经常散步有助于改善身体对胰岛素的反应,胰岛素有助于减少腹部脂肪。”

    Walking every day along with a healthy diet can result in weight loss


    However, don't expect to lose weight if you're only going for a casual stroll. "The intensity at which you walk plays a key role in helping your body burn more calories and improve your cardiorespiratory system," Denise Miklasz, an ACE-certified personal trainer at Northwestern Medicine Crystal Lake Health & Fitness Centre, told PopSugar. It's also a good idea to mix up the location of your walks. For example, if you live in a flat area, find some steps or hills to climb every now and then to ensure you're body doesn't get too used it.

    然而,如果你只是随意地散步,就别指望能减肥。“走路的强度对帮助身体燃烧更多卡路里、改善心肺系统起着关键作用,”美国西北医学水晶湖健康健身中心(Northwestern Medicine Crystal Lake Health & Fitness Centre)经过ace认证的私人教练丹尼斯·米克拉斯(Denise Miklasz)告诉PopSugar。混淆你散步的地点也是一个好主意。例如,如果你住在平坦的地方,时不时地找一些台阶或山丘去爬,以确保你的身体不会太习惯于它。

    Oh, and you still need to be aware of what you're eating. "In order to lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit," she said. Basically, to lose one pound a week, you'll need to either burn around 3,500 calories each week, or eat 3,500 fewer calories. Better still, though, is that you can do a bit of both to achieve that goal.


      上一篇:给喜欢每天泡澡的你 下一篇:每天健身,怎么还重了?


