n.释义,意译; 演释曲;
vi.改述; 意译;
The charge that capitalism seeks to kill competition was revealed to be aparaphrase of adam smith.2.或改述黛安娜王妃(princess diana)的话来说这场婚姻中存在我们三人。
Or to paraphrase princess diana, there are three of us in this marriage.3.决定何时使用法语是当我认为绝对必要的时候,这是我使用哪种语言的基本原则当翻译或释义不起作用时,当英语里不存在一个相对应对应的法语词或措辞的时候。
My basic rule for deciding when to use french words was when I saw that it wasabsolutely indispensable-when a translation or paraphrase wouldn't do, when anequivalent of a french word or expression didn't exist in english.4.他还称中国驱逐出境的半岛电视台记者陈嘉韵为“泼妇”,并让任何妖魔化中国的人闭嘴滚蛋(这还是原语经过礼貌意译的)。
He then called the expelled al jazeera correspondent melissa chan "a bitch" andsaid that anyone who demonises china should shut up and get lost ( toparaphrase politely).5.面对欧洲领袖的谴责,世界的独裁者们不禁会重新释义斯大林的话:“欧盟!你们到底有多少个师!”
Faced with denunciations by european leaders, the world's dictators may betempted to paraphrase stalin: "the european union! How many divisions does ithave?"