n.男保姆,该词来源于man + nanny;
1.Manny's wife picked up on the second ring. 曼尼的妻子在第二声铃响时接听了电话。
2.But keep in mind that manny didn't follow our simple yet extremely importantdirections. 但要记得曼尼是没有遵循我们简单却极为重要的指示。
3.Manny worked in perfect tandem with his mechanized brothers as the morningturned into afternoon. 从早上到下午,曼尼与他的机械兄弟们完美地配合着工作。
4.You were right manny, you're always right. 你是对的manny,你一直都是对的.
5.Manny, I just heard you're going extinct. 蛮尼!我刚听说长毛象会绝种。