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Travelling Off-Season
London in the summer, NYC at Thanksgiving, Florida during March Break—jetting off to your holiday destination when everyone else is going means guaranteed swarms of tourists, long waits and frayed tempers.Adjusting your trip even by a few weeks can halve the number of sightseers in your midst.Check with a travel agent for advice on off-peak travel to your destination of choice.Who knows, he or she might be able to save you some cash, too.
Booking Tickets in Advance
Purchase tickets online before you leave home, and skip the crowds and endless lines at your destination.For fans of NYC, you can prebook passes to the Top of the Rock observation deck, NBC studio tours, the Empire State Building, the 9-11 memorial and the MOMA all from the comfort of home.Smart travelers can also avoid the queue when visiting abroad—the London Eye, Britain's Houses of Parliament, Italy's Vatican Museums, and Paris' Louvre all help you keep your cool with online ticket sales.Buy early and avoid the stress of excessive wait times.
Signing Up for Special Tours
If you want to sail by the tourist mob, it's smart to purchase a cultural tour from a specialized company.Often these organizations get after-hours or behind-the-scenes access to famous places.You'll get a guided tour and beat the rush.Is it the only downside? These tours can be costly, but if large crowds routinely ruin your experience, splashing a little extra cash will save your sanity and your ribs from the overzealous pushing and shoving that crowds can create.
Visiting During the Week
Weekends are always busier at popular tourist sites because kids and parents are free from school and work commitments.For shorter lines, fewer people, and better opportunities to interact and enjoy the attraction, stop by during the week.In many cases, you'll have the place all to yourself.To take this tip one step further, and guarantee a further reduction in crowds at your museum, gallery or tourism hot spot, head there after 2pm when visiting school groups will have returned to class.School trips during the week often hit attractions in the morning, but tend to depart in the early afternoon.
Sudoku Games
Our free online Sudoku puzzles are popular number-placement games that are fun for the whole family.
The objective of Sudoku online is to fill up a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
Upon beginning, the Sudoku puzzles will contain a partially completed grid, which typically has a unique solution.
To play Sudoku, simply type your entries in the squares.Or, click a square, hold the mouse button down and drag up or down to select a number.As you fill in the squares of the Sudoku puzzle correctly, options for the remaining squares are narrowed and it becomes easier to fill them in.You also have access to our printable Sudoku puzzles, to take the fun with you wherever you go.
Start flexing your mathematical muscles and play our free Sudoku puzzles today!
5 Ways to Get Your Junior Couch Potato Moving
Our kids are getting too much screen time and not enough play time.Help your kids to get moving so they can become fit and stay healthy.
These days, when kids say they want to play hockey or basketball, they're more likely to be referring to video games than to a visit to the rink or court.
Canadian children spend about five to seven hours in front of a computer or TV each day, notes a 2008 report by Active Healthy Kids Canada.The Toronto-based non-profit group adds that 90% of children fail to achieve 90 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day, as recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
It's no surprise then, says Active Healthy Kids Canada, that 26% of Canadian youth—including children as young as three—are now overweight or obese.
Here are some ideas to get your kids away from the screen, off the couch, and into some active habits.
Challenge Them
Turn activities into fun contests.Have kids (or everyone in the family) wear a pedometer to see how many steps they take daily.Children should take about 11,000-13,000 steps per day.You can come up with creative competitions around everything from jumping rope to taking laps around the block on a bike.
Eliminate Shortcuts
There are plenty of ways to incorporate fitness into routine activities.Instead of driving the kids to school, start a “walking school bus,” where children all along the route pick each other up on the way and walk to school in packs.At the mall, take the stairs instead of the escalator, or park in the farthest spot from the mall entrance.“If you celebrate the fact that you got the closest spot, you're sending a message to kids that we should do the least amount of physical activity possible,” says Elio Antunes, COO and VP, Partnerships of Toronto-based Participation Action.
Set an Example
That doesn't just mean going to the gym or playing a sport yourself, but going outside to play with your kids instead of simply ordering them out.“If parents are less active, so are the kids—you have to be a role model,” says Brittany Decker, program director of Silken's Active Kids Movement in Victoria, B.C.
Use the Buddy System
If your child is reluctant to take part in an organized activity, check what their friends are doing, and encourage your child to get involved, too.If kids go to swimming, karate or dance together, they don't feel alone, can support each other, and exert positive peer pressure to keep at it.
Offer Choice Within Structure
If you ask children if they want to go out to play or to the park, what happens if they say no? A better tactic is to make the general activity a given but leave the specifics to your kids, says Michelle Brownrigg, CEO of Active Healthy Kids Canada.She compares it to putting three vegetables on their plate for dinner; you hope they at least eat one.They can play ball at the park, play on the equipment, or invent any game they want; you don't have to forbid what they should be doing, but you do need to give them the opportunities to be active.
1.skip 跳过;pass 通行证;queue 长队;Vatican 罗马教廷 Louvre 卢浮宫;excessive 过多的
Signing up for special tours is better than travelling with the tourist mob.
The writer intends to tell us we can avoid the school groups during weekends when you want to visit popular tourist sites.