现代英文选评:Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐
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    Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

    William Saroyan (1908—1981)

    威廉·萨洛扬美国小说家、剧作家,原为土耳其和俄罗斯交界地区亚美尼亚(Armenia)的移民。他的文字通俗,最善描摹小儿口吻,故事富于人情温暖,很适宜于初学阅读。本文采自1953年12月号的《家政杂志》(Good Housekeeping)。

    First I would like to say to you, "Merry Christmas." It is like this—when I say it, I want it to mean what it means. Not just words under a picture on a card, dropped in the mailbox on the corner, or handing you something wrapped up in red paper which I have bought. I want it to say what it says, the way a child says it.

    ● I would like:有些文法书主张I should like才是合文法的,但是I would like现在很常用。大致正式论文演说用I should like为妥,普通说话写信用I would like可以给人一种“熟不拘礼”的亲切之感。

    ● Merry Christmas:Merry有寻欢作乐之意。说“Merry Christmas”即隐祝对方“玩得痛快”。Happy New Year的happy即不一定含有“热闹庆祝”之意。

    ● It is like this:事情是这样的。口语常用。when I say it之it指Merry Christmas这两个字人人会说,但是意义或不尽相同,作者所指的是它的真正的意义。

    ● 第三句不完全。说完全了大约是It does not mean just words….

    ● words:祝贺圣诞的文辞。a picture:圣诞卡上的图画,文辞通常印在它的下面。dropped(过去分词):投寄(形容card)。corner:街道转角处。handing(动名词):亲手交付。which I have bought为定语从句,形容something。圣诞卡上的套语,红纸包扎的礼物,这些都不能代表Merry X'mas的真正意义。

    ● “the way…”在这里是习惯用法,很难分析它的文法构造,《简明牛津字典》里有这么一个例子:

    [I] don't like the way she smiles.(我不喜欢她笑的样子。)

    she smiles是“定语从句”,前面省略一个relative adverb "that"。同样的用法如“The instant he saw me, he took to his heels”(他看见我就逃),he saw me的前面也省略一个“that”。但是这种句子的that通常都是省略的。

    萨洛扬文里的句子同《简明牛津字典》的例子又不一样,在那例句里,the way是名词;在本文中,the way a child says it的the way也是名词,却有副词的功用,形容what it says中的动词says。


    I go to school every morning.

    She lives next door.

    这两句中的斜体字的用法,都和the way相仿。这种名词是属于“宾格”(objective or accusative case)的,因为兼有副词的功用,文法家称之为adverbial accusative.

    Christmas is looked forward to by a child with even greater excitement than the excitement with which he looks forward to his own birthday, because Christmas is everybody's birthday, with the party going on all over the world. Christmas is to every child, in his own way, the wonder of the world and the light of life.

    ● 真能领略圣诞节的意义的是儿童。以下就详述儿童心目中的圣诞节。

    ● 第一句相当长,但是层次清楚。because前面是主句,because后面是从句。

    ● 在主句里,把耶稣圣诞节拿来同儿童自己的生日相比。儿童过自己的生日,假如有得玩,有得吃,无不热烈期待(look forward to)这个好日子的。但是他的期待圣诞节,其兴奋更甚于期待他自己的生日。这里很多字都是重复的,但是than之前用的是被动语态,than之后用的是主动语态,重复之中还是有变化。

    ● Christmas is everybody's birthday:耶稣圣诞节是每一个人的生日。这句话不一定含有宗教的意义,只是说耶稣圣诞节到处热烈庆祝,好像人人都在过生日。the party:庆祝会。

    ● the wonder of the world and the light of life:都是些玄虚的字眼,但是读者请不要往玄虚处去想,作者只是要强调小孩过圣诞节觉得热闹好玩(好像中国过旧历年似的),这些玄虚的字眼无非都表示热闹好玩而已。小孩子对圣诞节,有一种独特看法(in his own way),他们把它看作“宇宙的奇观,生命的光彩”。

    Christmas is odors, brought in from the cold to the fire, a blend of perfume made of the scent of snow mingling with the scent of sanctity; of holly and fir mingling with the gifts of new clothes and new shoes; of Christmas candy and the bright, painted toys mingling with the unmistakable scent of happiness that comes out of people at Christmas, no matter how deeply it is buried.

    ● 以下分从“色、声、香、味”入手,说明圣诞节的所以成为“奇妙光彩”之处。

    ● 先说香。作者不说“圣诞节的种种香味是多么的可爱”,他说“圣诞节就是种种香味”。这句话似嫌武断,但是连以下几段的sounds,tastes,sights一起看,圣诞节的可爱本来就在种种感觉上的享受,这样的说法也许不算不伦不类吧?

    ● 事实上这一段所描写的不尽是嗅觉,如from the cold的cold为触觉,bright, painted toys的bright, painted为视觉,但是这些东西都有它们的香味,作者就抓住了这一点来描写。假如读者读了这段文章,似乎鼻子里也嗅到这些圣诞节特有的香味,那么作者的写法就成功了。

    ● 好的描写文章是要叫读者眼睛能看到,耳朵能听到,鼻子能嗅到,嘴能尝到。这就是所谓“具体描写”。若要文章不空洞不浮泛,平日应多多注意“眼、耳、鼻、舌、身”的感觉经验。

    ● 圣诞节的香味一种是从外面来的:“从冷空气里飘到火炉边上,雪花的香和天地间圣洁(sanctity)之气所混合而成的一种特别的香味。”perfume:香水,香味。blend:混合物。a blend of perfume:几种香水配合而成的特别香水。这里当然是指特别的香气。

    ● holly:冬青(叶厚角尖,红果小圆如珠,多用于圣诞装饰。按:好莱坞之“好莱”即由此得名)。fir:枞树,想必就是供在屋内的圣诞树。of holly与前面的of snow平行。

    ● unmistakable:不致被人误认的,明明白白的。scent of happiness:快乐的气氛。这个跟上面的scent of sanctity,其实都需要用内心去体会,与感官声色之娱不同。但是作者认为这种圣洁肃穆之气象和融融泄泄的快乐,都是可以用鼻子嗅得出来的。

    ● it is buried的it代表the scent of happiness。

    Christmas is sounds—the talking and the laughing, the shouting and the singing of childhood's hymns—the tinkling of the music box, which says "Hosanna" in the child's language of gladness, no matter if it is only saying, "This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes!" in English.

    ● 这一段讲种种声音。

    ● hymns:圣歌。tinkling:叮叮咚咚的声音。music box:八音盒(开发条以后发出简单的曲调声音)。

    ● Hosanna:希伯来文颂赞上帝之声。原意是“求主救苦救难”。

    ● This is the way we wash our clothes…:这是一支简单的儿歌,小孩一面唱一面模仿洗衣服的动作。注意这里的the way同第一段里的the way可以相互参证。

    ● 儿童不知赞美上帝,但是他们心里的快乐,其实就是对于造物主的一种赞美。因此八音盒里所奏的虽然只是一支小小儿歌,事实上这就是赞美上帝的颂词。

    ● in English和in the child's language of gladness前后对照。儿歌是用英文唱的,赞美上帝的颂词是用哪一国话说的呢?儿童赞美上帝是在心里,八音盒所奏的音乐,是用儿童“心里的语言”来赞美上帝的。儿童心里,纯然欢乐,所以说是“儿童心里欢乐的语言了”。

    Christmas is tastes—the round, golden taste of the orange—the taste of the perfect sphere, which has hung among the green leaves in the warm sun. It is the red-and-white-striped taste of peppermint. It is the sharp, sweet juice of the apple from the toe of the stocking. Many tastes must blend to make the taste of Christmas.

    ● round, golden taste of the orange:圆是橙子的形状,金黄是橙子的色泽,怎么橙子的味道成了round, golden taste呢?这样把感觉印象错综的应用,近人作品(尤其是新诗)中例子很多,望读者善加体会。

    ● the perfect sphere:圆满的球形(这里把橙子当做一种几何形体)。

    ● peppermint:薄荷糖。red-and-white-striped:红条白条相间隔的(糖的形状)。

    ● sharp:(味道)强烈的,辛辣的。这里作“苹果原味极重的”解。toe袜子的尖头部分。stocking:盛礼物的袜子。

    Christmas is sights; who can tell of the sights of Christmas reflected in the eyes of a child?

    ● sights:所看到的东西,形形色色。tell of:描述。reflected:反映。圣诞节可看的东西太多,作者不一一列举。

    Christmas is being together—gathering together. You do not have to tell a child what this means, and at Christmas, if at no other time, all men are children.

    ● being together:阖家团圆。

    ● if at no other time:有些人主张大人和小孩本来没有多少分别,这句话在平时是否恰当,姑且不论,至少到了圣诞节,大人都成了小孩子了。

    Because it is the child's day, the coming of Christmas up the white steps of December transforms mothers and fathers into the children they once were—until at last, on Christmas Eve, their caroling beside the tree is with the earnest voice of childhood. And the tears in their eyes are once again the tears caused by great expectations of wondrous things to come.

    ● Because:既然。

    ● the coming of Christmas up the white steps of December:作者把十二月比作一座白色的台阶,日子一天一天地过去,圣诞节一天一天接近,好像是圣诞节沿着台阶一步一步地走上来似的。这样一个譬喻,放在诗里也许是“绝妙好辞”,放在这样一篇散文里,是否妥当,请读者自己评判。不过散文里乱用“诗的譬喻”(poetic images),是一种很危险的尝试,至少初学者应该谨慎避免。

    ● transforms:使……变化;它的主语是coming。they once were:(定语从句)大人一度都曾经是小孩子。圣诞节日益迫近,父亲母亲的心情都渐渐返老还童,到了圣诞前夕,变化已经无可再变(until:至此为止),他们都成了小孩子;他们在圣诞树边上唱圣诗(caroling)的时候,就是用童年时候纯真的歌喉来唱的。他们唱歌的时候眼睛里含着眼泪,他们热烈地期待着神奇的事情发生,因此和童年时候一样(once again),眼泪不得不流出来了。

    If children could speak—or if anybody could—what would be said on Christmas Day would be the book that all books would be. But who can say, with words, what children feel, what Christmas means to them and to us? There are no words for it.

    ● speak:把心里的话讲出来。if anybody could:谁真能把心里的话讲出来呢?小孩固然不能,大人又何尝能呢?could:违反事实的假定。

    ● what would be said on Christmas day:主语从句,主词格,它的动词是紧跟在它后面的would be。

    ● 圣诞节可说的话太多了,可讲的道理太深了,这些话要是说出来,就可以成一部书,这部书可以把天下所有的书的道理统统包括在内。“that all books would be”的that代替the book,all books恐怕是补足语(subjective complement),放在动词的前面,“这部书将要成为天下所有的书”。

    And yet children say it all—with meaning straight and clear—when they say only, "Merry Christmas."

    ● 圣诞节的意义没有人说得上来,但是小孩子说“Merry Christmas”的时候,就把它的意义直截了当清清楚楚地说出来了。

    ● children say it all的it代替上一段“what children feel, what Christmas means…”。And yet children say it all:小孩子把这意思完全表达出来了。

    And so, as one of them, and one of you, one of us, helpless with the clumsy words, I say to them and to you: "Merry Christmas." I say it as a child says it.

    ● as=in the character of(以这样一个人的身份)。

    ● them:小孩。you:大人。us:大人小孩算在一起——咱们统统都是辞不达意的。clumsy:笨拙的。helpless:没有办法的。

    ● I say it as a child says it:呼应首段。

      上一篇:现代英文选评:Father and Daughter 父与女 下一篇:现代英文选评:D-Day 诺曼第登陆


