1912年,也就是“泰坦尼克”号邮轮在北大西洋冰海沉没的那一年,我开始教授当众演讲的课程,至今已有超过75万人毕业了。I STARTED TEACHING classes in public speaking in 1912, the year the Titanic went down in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Since then, more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people have been graduated from these classes.
戴尔·卡耐基演讲教程的第一堂课是示范表演,先请一些学员上台讲一讲自己来上课的原因以及自己期望从这种训练中获得什么。人各一词,众说纷纭,表达方式迥然相异;但令人诧异的是,大多数人的原因和基本需求如出一辙:“面对众人讲话时,我觉得浑身不自在,很害怕,这使我不能集中精力思考,不能清晰地思考问题,甚至都记不得自己究竟要说些什么。我希望通过学习增强自信,能随心所欲地思考问题,有逻辑地归纳自己的思想,并能泰然自若地在商业场合或社交场合侃侃而谈,思路清晰又富有语言魅力。”In the demonstration meetings preceding the first session of the Dale Carnegie Course, people are given the opportunity of telling why they intend to enroll and what they hope to gain from this training. Naturally, the phraseology varies; but the central desire, the basic want in the vast majority of cases, remains surprisingly the same:" When I am called upon to stand up and speak, I become so self-conscious, so frightened, that I can't think clearly, can't concentrate, can't remember what I intended to say. I want to gain self-confidence, poise, and the ability to think on my feet. I want to get my thoughts together in logical order, and I want to be able to talk clearly and convincingly before a business or social group."
这番话听起来不觉得很耳熟吗?你是否经历过同样的心有余而力不足的感觉?你是否希望自己能口若悬河、侃侃而谈,令人折服,哪怕花一些钱也愿意。我想你的答案是肯定的。现在,你正翻开此书,这说明你希望获取成功演讲的能力。Doesn't this sound familiar? Haven't you experienced these same feelings of inadequacy? Wouldn't you give a small fortune to have the ability to speak convincingly and persuasively in public? I am sure you would. The very fact that you have begun reading the pages of this book is proof of your interest in acquiring the ability to speak effectively.
如果你站在我面前,我想你一定会问:“卡耐基先生,你真的认为我能培养出自信,面对人群口齿流利地和他们讲话吗?”I know what you are going to say, what you would say if you could talk to me:" But Mr. Carnegie, do you really think I could develop the confidence to get up and face a group of people and address them in a coherent, fluent manner?"
我一生的精力几乎全部都放在帮助人们消除恐惧、培养勇气和增强信心上了。在我举办的培训班上发生的种种奇迹,可以写上好几本书。因此,问题不在于我是否“真的认为”,只要你根据书中的方法和建议去练习,一定能够做到。I have spent nearly all my life helping people get rid of their fears and develop courage and confidence. I could fill many books with the stories of the miracles that have taken place in my classes. It is not, therefore, a question of my thinking. I know you can, if you practice the directions and suggestions that you will find in this book.
为什么站在听众面前无法像独自坐在家里那样冷静地思考?为什么站起来面对听众讲话,胃部就会翻腾,身体就会颤抖不止。难道这些问题我们都无法克服吗?而事实上,这些问题是可以克服的,训练会逐渐消除你面对听众时的恐惧,并带给你充分的自信。Is there the faintest shadow of a reason why you should not be able to think as well in aperpendicular position before an audience as you can sitting down? Is there any reason why you should play host to butterflies in your stomach and become a victim of the "trembles" when you get up to address an audience? Surely, you realize that this condition can be remedied, that training and practice will wear away your audience-fright and give you self-confidence.
这本书将帮助你达到这一目标。它不是一本平常的教科书,它既没有罗列一堆说话技巧,也不教发声、发音,而是全力以赴用具体的方法来训练成人成功演讲。它以你现有的基础作为起点,逐渐使你成为自己想成为的那种人。你所需要做的就是合作——学习书中的种种建议,并将它们应用于一切说话场合,并且坚持不懈。This book will help you to achieve that goal. It is not an ordinary textbook. It is not filled with rules concerning the mechanics of speaking. It does not dwell on the physiological aspects of vocal production and articulation. It is the distillation of a lifetime spent in training adults in effective speaking. It starts with you as you are, and from that premise works naturally to the conclusion of what you want to be. All you have to do is co-operate-follow the suggestions in this book, apply them in every speaking situation, and persevere.
如果你想快速了解本书的梗概,请注意以下四条要领:In order to get the most out of this book, and to get it with rapidity and dispatch, you will find these four guideposts useful: