在纽约市,我的一个训练班的毕业典礼上,一个毕业生面对大约两百个人坦诚相告:“卡耐基先生,五年前,我来到你举办示范讲演的饭店门口,却没有进去。我害怕要是进去上课了,就迟早要当众讲演。我的手僵握在门柄上,不敢进去;最后,只有转身走开了。当时,要是知道你能让我轻易地克服恐惧——那种让我一面对听众就瘫软的恐惧,我就不会浪费这五年的时间了。”FIVE YEARS AGO, Mr.Carnegie, I came to the hot el where you were conducting one of your demonstrations. I walked up to the door of the meeting room and then stopped. I knew if I entered that room and joined a class, sooner or later I'd have to make a speech. My hand froze on the doorknob. I couldn't go in. I turned my back and walked out of the hotel.If I had only known then how you make it easy to conquer fear, the paralyzing fear of an audience, I wouldn't have lost these past five years."
他说话的时候,特别轻松和自信。我想,这个人一定能凭借他学到的语言表达能力和信心,提高处理行政事务的能力。作为他的老师,很高兴他能勇敢地面对恐惧并且战胜它。想一想,如果在五年或十年前就战胜恐惧,现在他肯定有更多的成功,更多的快乐。The man who spoke these revealing words wasn't talking across a table or a desk. He was directing his remarks to an audience of some two hundred people. It was the graduation session of one of my Courses in New York City. As he gave his talk, I was particularly impressed by his poise and self-assurance. Here was a man, I thought, whose executive skills will be tremendously increased by his newly acquired expressiveness and confidence. As his instructor, I Was delighted to see that he had dealt a death blow to fear, and I couldn't help thinking how much more successful, and what is more, how much happier this man would have been if his victory over fear had come five or ten years before.
爱默生说:“恐惧比世上任何事物更能击溃人类。”多么让人无奈的真实啊。感谢上天,让我有能力把人们从恐惧中挽救出来。1912年我刚开始授课时,一点儿不知道这项训练能成功地帮助人们消除恐惧与自卑感。我发现,学习当众说话是一种天然的方法,可以帮助人们克服局促的心理,建立勇气和自信。是什么原因呢?因为当众说话,让我们控制住了自己的恐惧。Emerson said, "Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." Oh, how I have been made aware of the bitter truth of that statement. And how grateful I am that during my life I have been able to rescue people from fear. When I started to teach my course in 1912, little did I realize that this training would prove to be one of the best methods ever yet devised to help people eliminate their fears and feelings of inferiority. I found that learning to speak in public is nature's own method of overcoming self-consciousness and building up courage and self-confidence. Why? Because speaking in public makes us come to grips with our fears.
多年来一直训练人们当众说话,我获得一些想法,它们可以帮助你很快克服上台的恐惧,短短的数周练习后你就会有信心了。In years of training men and women to speak in public, I have picked up some ideas to help you quickly overcome stage fright and develop confidence in a few short weeks of practice.