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    如果在讲故事的时候要提到某个人,不管怎么样,讲出他的名字最好。就算为了尊重别人的隐私,也最好杜撰一个假名。即使你使用的像“史密斯先生”或“乔·柏朗”等不具个人特性的名字,也比使用“这个人”或“一个人”能使故事更生动。姓氏人名有认证和显现个体的功能,就像鲁多夫·弗烈区指出的一样:“没有什么比名字更能增添故事的真实性了。掩名隐姓,最虚假不过了。想一想,如果故事里的主角没名没姓,会成什么样子?”By all means, when you tell stories involving others, use their names, or, if you want to protect their identity, use fictitious names. Even impersonal names like "Mr. Smith" or "Joe Brown" are far more descriptive than "this man" or "a person." The label identifies and individualizes. As Rudolf Flesch points out, "Nothing adds more realism to a story than names; nothing is as unrealistic as anonymity." Imagine a story whose hero has no name.

    你只要在自己的讲演中使用了具体的名字与个人的代称,就可以认定自己的讲演有很高的可听性,因为它已经具备了人情味儿这一可贵的要素了。If your talk is full of names and personal pronouns you can be sure of high listenability, for you will have the priceless ingredient of human interest in your speech.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·1.人性的谈话 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·3.使演讲更细节化

