第一次世界大战结束后,我到了伦敦,与罗威·陶玛斯共事。他当时正为着阿拉伯的阿伦比和劳伦斯发表精彩绝伦的演讲,听众连场爆满。一个星期天,我没事走进海德公园,在大理石拱门入口附近,各种主义、人种、政治、宗教信仰的演讲者都可以畅谈自己的主张,不受法律的干预。有三位演讲者正在发表演讲,一位天主教徒解释教皇无谬论,一位社会主义者谈论卡尔·马克思的主义,第三个演讲者正阐说一个男人应该有四个妻子才算恰当!我站在远处,观察着那三个人。RIGHT AFTER THE First World War, I was in London working with Lowell Thomas, who was giving a series of brilliant lectures on Allenby and Lawrence of Arabia to packed houses. One sunday I wandered into Hyde Park to the spot near Marble Arch entrance where speakers of every creed, color, and political and religious persuasion are allowed to air their views without interference from the law. For a while I listened to a Catholic explaining the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope, then I moved to the fringes of another crowd, intent upon what a Socialist had to say about Karl Marx. I strolled over to a third speaker, who was explaining why it was right and proper for a man to have four wives! Then I moved away and looked back at the three groups.
信不信由你,鼓吹一夫多妻制的家伙,他的听众人数最少,寥寥几个。而另外两个演讲者吸引的人却越来越多。我自问这是什么原因,难道因为是不同的题目的关系吗?我想不是。我观察后认识到,问题的根本出自三位讲演者身上。那位大谈有四个老婆是多好多好的家伙,自己却不像有兴趣讨四个太太;可是另外两个演讲者,几乎是在针对所有对立的观点来说理论道,忘我地沉浸在各自的讲题里。他们好像是拼着性命在讲演,舞动手臂做着激烈的手势,声音高昂而充满信念,散发着热情与活力。Would you believe it? The man who was talking about polygamy had the fewest number of people listening to him! There was only a handful. The crowds around the other two speakers were growing larger by the minute. I asked myself why? Was it the disparity of topics? I don't think so. The explanation, I saw as I watched, was to be found in the speakers themselves. The fellow who was talking about the advantages of having four wives didn't seem to be interested in having four wives himself. But the other two speakers, talking from almost diametrically opposed points of view, were wrapped up in their subjects. They talked with life and spirit. Their arms moved in impassioned gestures. Their voice rang with conviction. They radiated earnestness and animation.
怎样能做到这种极富活力的讲演,牢牢抓住听众的注意力呢?本章将给你三个妙招,以帮助释放你的热情和热诚。How do you acquire this vital delivery that will keep the attention of your audience? In the course of this chapter I will give you three sovereign ways to help you put enthusiasm and excitement into your speaking.