教程:阅读经验  浏览:197  
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    在讲演中,应该花大部分的时间描述曾给你启示的经验。心理学家说,我们学习的方式有两种:一是练习律,让一连串的类似事件导致行为模式的改变;二是效应律,使单一的事件就可能有强烈的震撼力,并造成我们行为的改变。我们平常就有很多不凡的经验,是不需要花太多的时间去苦苦搜寻的。我们的行为多半受这些经验的引导。把这些事件重新组织起来,便可把它们变成影响别人行为的事实基础。这一点我们应该很容易做到,由于人们对字句的反应与对真实事件的反应极为相似。在讲演里讲述事例的时候,一定要把自己经验里的东西重新再造,对听众产生与自己原先相同感受的作用。把你的经验戏剧化,让它们听起来更有趣,也更有力量。下面的建议,可让举例的步骤清晰有力,具有意义。This is the part of your talk that will take up the major portion of your time. In it you describe an experience that taught you a lesson. Psychologists say we learn in two ways: one, by the Law of Exercise, in which a series of similar incidents leads to a change of our behavioral patterns; and two, by the Law of Effect, in which a single event may be so startling as to cause a change in our conduct. All of us have had this type of unusual experience. We do not have to search long for these incidents because they lie close to the surface of our memories. Our conduct is guided to a large extent by these experiences. By vividly reconstructing these incidents we can make them the basis of influencing the conduct of others. We can do this because people respond to words in much the same way that they respond to real happenings. In the example part of your talk, then, you must recreate a segment of your experience in such a way that it tends to have the same effect upon your audience as it originally had upon you. This places upon you the obligation to clarify, intensify, and dramatize your experiences in a way that will make them interesting and compelling to your listeners. Below are a number of suggestions which will help to make the Example step of your action talk clear, intense, and meaningful.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·鼓动听众采取行动的演讲 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·1.以个人经验为例


