教程:阅读经验  浏览:178  
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    这样做可以立即抓住听众的注意力。有些演讲者不能做到一张口便获得听众的注意,很多时候都是因为讲了那些老套的话,而听众对此真的是不感兴趣的。如果我说“兄弟我不习惯当众讲演”,这样是不是很刺耳、讨厌?但是很多陈腐的开始方式,也同样令人讨厌。如数家珍似地细述自己如何选题目,或说自己准备不充分,或像个牧师讲道似的宣布题目或主题,都是要在获得行动响应的简短演讲中必须避免的东西。One of the reasons for starting your talk with the example step is to catch attention at once. Some speakers fail to get attention with their opening words because all too often these words consist only of repetitious remarks, cliches, or fragmentary apologies that are of no interest to the audience. "Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking" is particularly offensive, but many other commonplace methods of beginning a talk are just as weak in attention-getting value. Going into the details of how you came to choose the subject, revealing to the audience that you are not too well prepared (they will discover that fact soon enough), or announcing the topic or theme of your talk like a preacher giving the text of the sermon are all methods to avoid in the short talk to get action.

    记住一位一流报纸杂志作者的一句忠言:从你的故事的中间开始,便能立即抓住听众的注意力。Take a tip from top-flight magazine and newspaper writers: begin right in your example and you will capture the attention of your audience immediately.

    这里我列出了一些开场白,它们都像磁石一样吸引着我的注意力: “1942年,我发现自己躺在医院的病床上。” “昨天早饭时,我妻子正在倒咖啡……” “去年7月,当我快速驾车驶下42号公路时……” “我办公室的门打开了,我们的领班查理·范闯了进来。” “我正在湖中央钓鱼,一抬起头,看到一艘快艇正朝我快速开来。”Here are some opening sentences that drew my attention like a magnet: "In 1942, I found myself on a cot in a hospital"; "Yesterday at breakfast my wife was pouring the coffee and ... "; "Last July I was driving at a fast clip down Highway 42 ... "; "The door of my office opened and Charlie Vann, our foreman, burst in"; "I was fishing in the middle of the lake; I looked up and saw a motor boat speeding toward me".

    开场白中如果讲清楚了时间、地点、人物、事件和发生的原因,那么你就是在使用最古老的获取注意力的沟通方式之一。“从前”是个很有魔力的字眼,它打开了孩子们幻想的水闸。采用这相同的趣味方式,你也能一开口就抓住听众的思想。If you start your talk with phrases that answer one of the questions, Who? When? Where? What? How? or Why?, you will be using one of the oldest communication devices in the world to get attention. "Once upon a time" are the magic words that open the floodgates of a child's imagination. With this same human interest approach you can captivate the minds of your listeners with your first words.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·1.以个人经验为例 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·3.讲出围绕中心的细节


