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    所有的题材,几乎都可利用时间顺序、空间顺序或者事物的逻辑顺序进行演讲。比如时间顺序,可以按照过去、现在、未来这样的安排来处理材料,也可以从某一天开始进行倒叙。讲演的过程,都是从粗糙的原材料开始,然后经过各种各样的制造阶段,最后完成产品。至于其中纳入多少细节,当然就看能有多少时间来确定。Almost all subjects can be developed by using a logical sequence based on time, space, or special topics. In the time sequence, for instance, you might consider your subject under the three categories of past, present, and future, or you might begin at a certain date and move backward or forward from that date. All process talks, for example, should begin at the raw-material stage and move through the various manufacturing steps that produce the finished product. How much detail you bring in will, of course, be governed by the time you have.

    在空间的顺序上,可以以某个点作为立足点,然后由此往外拓展;或者按照方位来处理,例如北方、南方、东方和西方。如果你要描述华盛顿城,你可以领着听众从国会山的顶端,按照各方向叙述有趣味的各个地方。如果说明一部喷气式引擎或一部汽车,最好把它分解成各部分的组成零件再来谈论。In the space sequence, you arrange your ideas according to some central point and go outward from there or you cover the material directionally, north, south, east, and west. If you were to describe the city of Washington, D. C., you might take your listeners to the top of the capitol building and indicate the points of interest in each direction. If you are describing a jet engine or an automobile, for example, you might best discuss it by breaking it down into its component parts.

    而有些题材本身具有自己的逻辑顺序。例如,美国政府的结构有其原有的组织形态,如果你按它的立法、行政、司法三部门来讨论,效果必然清晰。Some subjects have a built-in sequence. If you set out to explain the structure of the United States Government, you will do well to follow this inherent organizational pattern and discuss it according to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·一、对演讲题材加以限制以适合讲演时间 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·三、逐一罗列演讲的重点问题


