“人类的个性需要爱,也需要尊敬,”诺曼·文生·皮尔博士在论及专业喜剧家时这样说,“人人都有一种内在的价值感、重要感和尊严感。伤害了它,你便永远失去了那个人。因此,当你爱一个人、尊敬一个人时,你也建造了他,而且,他也同样地爱你、敬你。The human personality demands love and it also demands respect. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said as a prelude to speaking of a professional comedian. "Every human being has an inner sense of worth, of importance, of dignity. Wound that and you have lost that person forever. So when you love and respect a person you build him up and, accordingly, he loves and esteems you.
“一次我和一位艺人同上一个节目。我和他并不十分熟悉,但从那次会面后,我从报纸杂志上了解到他有困难,我想我明白其中的原因。 我安静地坐在他旁边,就快该我讲话了。“‘你好像不紧张嘛!’他问。At one time I was on a program with an entertainer. I did not know the man well, but since that meeting I read that he was having difficulty, and I think I know why. I had been sitting beside him quietly for I was about to speak. 'You aren't nervous, are you?' he asked.
“‘啊,不,我当然会,’我说,‘当我在听众面前站起来之前,我总稍微有点紧张。我尊敬听众,这种责任感令我略感紧张。难道你不会紧张吗?’Why, yes.' I replied. 'I always get a little nervous before I stand up before an audience. I have a pro - found respect for an audience and the responsibility makes me a bit nervous. Don't you get nervous?'
“‘不会,’他说,‘为什么要紧张?观众会照单全收的,他们都是上了瘾的鸦片鬼。’ 'No,' he said, 'Why should I? Audiences fall for anything. They are a lot of dopes. '
“‘我不能同意,’我说,‘他们是你至高无上的评委,我对听众怀着莫大的尊敬。’” 'I don't agree with you,' I said, 'they are your sovereign judges. I have great respect for audiences.’”
当读到有关此人声望下跌的消息时,皮尔博士确信,原因在于他采取的是与人敌对的态度,而不是赢得人心的态度。When he read about this man's waning popularity Dr. Peale was sure the reason lay in an attitude that antagonized others instead of winning them.
对于想把一点什么传达给别人的我们来说,这真是很有示范作用的一课。What an object lesson for all of us who want to impart something to other people!