我们与世界发生接触的方法有且只有四种。这一点信不信由你。我们以这四种接触进行评估、归类:我们做什么,我们看起来是什么样子,我们说些什么,还有我们怎么说。本章谈论的是最后一项:我们怎么说。WOULD YOU BELIEVE it? There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it. This chapter will deal with the last of these-how we say it.
我最初教当众演讲课时,花费了很多时间对学生进行发声练习,教学生们利用共振,训练他们增大音量,增加尾音的轻松活泼。但是不久后我发现,教导成年人怎样把音调合乎规范、怎样形成锐耳的声音,完全是无用的东西。这些训练,对那些能花上三四年的时间来改进声音表达技巧的人来说,的确是个好方法。然而我知道,我的学生只能使用自己天生的嗓门,如果把用以协助学生练习“横膈膜式呼吸”的时间、精力花在更重要的目标上——帮助他们从“死也不敢放手去做”的自我囚禁中解脱出来,我会取得十分快速而持久的惊人效果。感谢上帝,我很明智地这样去做了!When I first started to teach public speaking classes, I spent a great deal of time on the use of vocal exercises to develop resonance, increase the range of voice, and enhance inflectional agility. It wasn't long, however, before I began to see the utter futility of teaching adults how to project their tones into the upper sinuses and how to form "liquid" vowels. This is all very fine for those who can devote three or four years to improving themselves in the art of vocal delivery. I realized that my students would have to settle for the vocal equipment they were born with. I found that if I expended the time and energy I formerly devoted to helping class members to "breathe diaphragmatically" and worked on the far more important objectives of freeing them from their inhibitions and general reluctance to let themselves go, I would achieve quick and lasting results that were truly amazing. I thank God I had the sense to do this.