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    介绍辞虽然很短,几乎不超过一分钟,但需要仔细准备。首先,要搜集事实,这可以三个内容为中心:讲演人的题目,他探讨这个题目的资格和他的名字。有时也有第四个内容——讲演的题目是多么的有趣。Even though the introductory talk is short, hardly ever exceeding one minute, it demands careful preparation. First, you must gather your facts. These will center around three items: the subject of the speaker's talk, his qualifications to speak on that subject, and his name. Often a fourth item will become apparent-why the subject chosen by the speaker is of special interest to the audience.

    一定要确切地知道准确的讲题,并知道讲演者会怎样去发挥。最尴尬的事莫过于讲演者对介绍的内容产生了异议,并演说其中某部分与他的立场不一致。如果了解了讲演人的题目,并且不对内容胡乱臆测,这种情形就是可以避免的。但是,介绍人的责任却是要准确地介绍讲题,并指出它是听众很关心的,所以,如果有可能,就设法直接从讲演者身上取得资料。如果需要借助第三者,比如说节目主持人,就应该设法获得书面资料,并在会议前向讲演者人查证。Be certain that you know the correct title of the talk and something about the speaker's development of the subject matter. There is nothing more embarrassing than for the speaker to take exception to the introduction by disclaiming part of it as untrue of his stand on the subject. This can be obviated by making sure you know what the speaker's subject is and refraining from trying to predict what he will say. But your duty as introducer demands that you give the title of the speaker's talk correctly and point out its relevancy to the audience's interests. If at all possible, try to get this information directly from the speaker. If you have to rely on a third party, a program chairman, for instance, try to get the information in writing and check with the speaker just before the meeting.

    不过,或许大部分的准备都是在取得讲演人资格的资料方面。如果你的讲演人闻名全国或名震一方,你便可以从《世界名人录》或类似书籍中获知精确的资料;如果是地方性的人物,可求助于他的公共关系或人事部门,或者去拜访他的亲密朋友或家人以查对资料。最重要的,就是要把对方的个人资料弄准确,而讲演者周围的人是乐于提供材料的。But perhaps most of your preparation will involve getting the facts on the speaker's qualifications. In some cases you will be able to get an accurate listing from who's who or a comparable work, if your speaker is nationally or regionally well known. On the local level you can appeal to the public relations or personnel office of the concern where he works, or in some cases verify your facts by calling a close friend or a member of his family. The main idea is to get your biographical facts correct. People close to your speaker will be glad to furnish you with material.

    当然,叙述太多也会让人厌烦。如果你指出某人是博士了,还提他的学士、硕士学位就是多余。同样,最好是指出对方最高和最近的职务,而不要牵扯出一大堆他大学毕业后就担任过的那些职位。最紧要的是,对方事业中较次要的成就可略过,但一定不能疏忽了他最杰出的成就。Of course, too many facts will become boring, especially when one degree implies the speaker's acquisition of lesser degrees. To say that a man received a B.S. and an M.A degree is superfluous when you indicate that he is a Doctor of Philosophy. Likewise, it is best to indicate the highest and most recent offices a man has held rather than to string out a catalogue of the positions he has held since leaving college. Above all, do not pass over the most distinguished achievements of a man's career instead of the less important.

    例如,我听过一位知名的演讲家——他应该还可以更知名的——介绍爱尔兰诗人W.B.叶慈。叶慈将要朗诵自己的诗。三年前,叶慈获得了诺贝尔文学奖,这是颁给文人的最高荣誉,但我相信听众中知道该奖并了解其重要性的人,不到十分之一。可是无论如何,这两件事都应该提一提,就算别的什么都不说。但是主持人说了什么呢?他完全忽略了这些事,反而离题去谈神话和希腊诗歌。For example, I heard a wellknown speaker-a man who ought to have known better-introduce the Irish poet W. B. Yeats. Yeats was to read his own poetry. Three years prior to that he had been awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, the highest distinction that can be bestowed upon a man of letters. I am confident that not ten per cent of that particular audience knew of the award or its significance. Both ought, by all means, to have been mentioned. They ought to have been announced even if nothing else were said. But what did the chairman do? He utterly ignored these facts, and wandered off into talking about mythology and Greek poetry.

    此外,最重要的是,要确定演讲人的名字,并马上让自己熟悉发音。约翰·马森·柏朗说,人家曾把他介绍成约翰·柏朗·马森,甚至约翰·史密斯·马森!很有名的加拿大幽默家史蒂芬·李科克,在他那篇轻快的散文《今晚我们相聚》中,讲了一则人家对他的介绍辞:Above all, be certain of the speaker's name and begin at once to familiarize yourself with its pronunciation. John Mason Brown says that he has been introduced as John Brown Mason and even John Smith Mason. In his delightful essay, "We Have with Us Tonight" Stephen Leacock, the distinguished Canadian humorist, tells of one introduction he received in which the introducer said:

    “我们大家都兴奋地期待李洛德先生的光临。我们从他的著作里似乎已经像个老朋友似的认识他了。事实上,我想我并不夸张,我告诉李洛德先生,他的大名在本地早已经家喻户晓。我个人感到非常非常的荣幸,能向各位介绍——李洛德先生。”There are many of us who have awaited Mr. Learoyd's coming with the most pleasant anticipations. We seemed from his books to know him already as an old friend. In fact I do not think I exaggerate when I tell Mr. Learoyd that his name in our city has long been a household word. I have very, very great pleasure in introducing to you-Mr. Learoyd.

    搜寻资料的主要目的是要明确地介绍,而介绍辞必须明确,才能达到目的——提高听众的注意力并让他们接纳讲演人的讲演。准备不足的主持人,常常会讲出这样含混而令人昏昏欲睡的话来:The main purpose of your research is to be specific, for only by being specific will the introduction achieve its purpose-to heighten the audience's attention and make it receptive to the speaker's talk. The chairman who comes to a meeting poorly prepared usually comes up with something as vague and soporific as this:

    “我们的讲演人声名远扬,被一致认为是——是他讲题的权威。我们很想聆听他对这个题目的高见,因为他来自一个——一个极远的地方。本人感到极大的荣幸向各位介绍,现在且让我们看看——噢,在这里——布莱克先生。”Our speaker is everywhere recognized as an authority on,-on his subject. We are interested in hearing what he has to say on this subject, because he comes from a,-a great distance. It gives me great pleasure to present, let's see now,-oh, here it is, - Mr. Blank.

    稍稍花点时间准备,我们就可避免给讲演者和听众双方都造成恶劣的印象。By taking a little time to prepare we can avoid the sad impression such an introduction makes upon both speaker and audience.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·介绍演讲者、颁奖和领奖 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·二、“T——I——S”三段式


