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    请听众举手回答问题,也是一个很好的方法,可以引起他们的兴趣和注意。举例来说,在谈《如何避免疲劳》时,我用这个问题来开头:A splendid way to get interested attention is to ask the audience to raise their hands in answer to a question. For example, I have opened my talk on How to Prevent Fatigue" with this question:

    “让我们来举手瞧瞧,各位当中有多少人,在认为自己该疲倦前就早早疲倦了?”Let's see your hands. How many of you get tired more quickly than you feel you ought to?

    记住这一点:要请听众举手时,应先给听众一点提示,告诉他们你要这么做。不要劈头就说:“这里有多少人相信所得税应该降低的?让我们举手瞧瞧。”应该这样说:“我想请各位举手回答一个对各位而言十分重要的问题。问题是这样:‘各位有多少人相信货品赠券对消费者有好处?’”这样可以让听众做好回答的准备。Note this point: When you ask for a show of hands, usually give the audience some warning that you are going to do so. Do not open a talk with:How many people here believe the income tax should be lowered? Let's see your hands. Give the audience a chance to be ready for the vote by saying, for instance: "I am going to ask for a show of hands on a question of importance to you. This is the question: 'How many of you believe that trading stamps benefit the consumer?' "

    请听众举手的技巧可获得极有价值的反应,也就是所谓的“听众参与”。当你使用它时,你的讲演就已经不再是单方面的事情了,听众早已投身参与了。当你问道“各位当中有多少人,在认为自己该疲倦前就早早疲倦了。”时,人人都开始想这个与他相关的题目:他自己,他的痛楚,他的疲倦。他举起手来,可能还四下张望看看有谁也一样举手。他已经忘记自己是在听讲演,他笑了,他对邻座的朋友点头,冰冷的气氛也被打破了。而你,这个演讲人,顿时轻松起来,听众同样如此。The technique of asking for a show of hands gets a priceless reaction known as "audience participation." When you use it, your talk is no longer a one-sided affair. The audience is participating in it now. When you ask, "How many of yon get tired more quickly than you feel you ought to?" everyone starts thinking of his favorite topic: himself, his aches, his fatigue. He lifts his hand and possibly looks around to see who else has his hand up. He forgets that he is listening to a talk. He smiles. He nods to a friend sitting next to him. The ice is broken. You, the speaker, are at ease, and so is the audience.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·3.陈述一件惊人的事实 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·(2)告诉听众他们如何做就能获得他们想要的结果


