在讲演当中使用专家的证言,也常常能有效地支持自己的论点。不过使用之前,最好能先试着回答几个问题进行测试:Frequently you can effectively back up the points you want to make in the body of your talk by the use of the testimony of an expert. Before using testimony it should be tested by answering these questions:
(1)要使用的引述是否准确?1.Is the quotation 1 am about to use accurate?
(2)它是否来自专家的专门知识领域内?讨论经济学而引述乔·路易的话,显然只侧重于他的姓氏,而非他的专长。2.Is it taken from the area of the man's expert knowledge? To quote Joe Louis on economics would obviously be exploiting his name but not his forte.
(3)引述的对象是否为听众所熟知和尊敬?3.Is the quotation from a man who is known and respected by the audience?
(4)引述是否确定是根据第一手资料,而不是个人的兴趣或偏见?4.Are you sure that the statement is based on firsthand knowledge, not personal interest or prejudice?
多年前,我的一个在布鲁克林商会的学员,他在讲到专业化的必要时,引述了安德鲁·卡耐基作为开始。他的抉择明智吗?因为他的引述准确,而且他所引述的人够资格谈论有关事业的成功之道,所以得到了听众的尊敬。他所引述的这段名言,现在仍然值得复述:One of the members of my class at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce many years ago opened a talk on the need for specialization with a quotation from Andrew Carnegie. Did he choose wisely? Yes, because he accurately quoted a man, who was respected by the audience as one who had earned the right to speak on business success. That quotation is still worth repeating today:
“我相信在任何一行里,通往出人头地的成功之路,在于让你自己成为那一行里的专家。我不相信分散个人才智的策略,而且根据我的经验,就算有吧,我也很少碰见有人能一心多用,而仍能在赚钱方面成为人上人的——在制造业方面,我更确定是没有的。能成功的人都是那些选定一行,便执著坚持的人。”I believe the true road to pre-eminent success in any line is to make yourself master in that line. I have no faith in the policy of scattering one's resources, and in my experience I have rarely if ever met a man who achieved pre-eminence in money-making-certainly never one inmanufacturing-who was interested in many concerns. The men who have succeeded are the menwho have chosen one line and stuck to it.