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    我顺道访问过工业家兼人道主义者乔治·福·詹森,并与他聊了几分钟。他是大安迪柯—詹森公司的总裁。不过使我更感兴趣的是,他是个能让听众笑、有时也能让他们哭,并总能对他的话牢记不忘的演讲家。I dropped in to talk a few minutes one day with George F. Johnson, the industrialist and humanitarian. He was President of the great Endicott-Johnson Corporation at the time. More interesting to me, though, was the knowledge that he was a speaker who could make his hearers laugh, and sometimes cry, and often remember for a long time what he said.

    他没有私人办公室,他只有宽大、忙碌的工厂里的一个小角落,而他的神态更是有如老木桌一般,诚恳而不虚伪。He didn't have a private office. He had a comer of a big, busy factory, and his manner was as unpretentious as his old wooden desk.

    “你来得正好,”他站起来迎着我说,“我有件特别的差事要做呢!我已简单地记下今晚对工人讲话的结尾。”You've come at a good time. he said as he stood up to greet me. "I've just got a job out of the way. I've jotted down what I want to say at the end of a talk I'm going to give to the workers tonight."

    “把脑子里的讲演从头至尾理出头绪来,真叫人大大舒一口气呢。”我说。It's always a relief to get a talk shipshape in your mind from beginning to end. I told him.

    “噢,它们还没有完全在脑子里成形,”他说,“还只是笼统的概念和我想用来作结的特殊方式。”Oh, I haven't got it all in mind yet. he said. " Just the general idea and the specific way I want to finish it."

    他不是职业演讲家,从未考虑过用什么铿锵有力的言语或精致的词句。不过,他倒是从经验中学到了成功沟通的秘诀之一。他知道若要讲得好,必须有个好结尾。他了解要想让听众印象鲜明,必须使演讲的内容合情合理地推进,最后得出结论。He was not a professional speaker. He never went in for ringing words or fine phrases. From experience, however, he had learned one of the secrets of successful communication. He knew that if a talk is to go over well, it has to have a good ending. He realized that the conclusion of a talk is the part toward which all that precedes it must reasonably move if an audience is to be impressed.

    结尾真是一场演讲中最具战略意义的部分。当一个演讲者退席后,他最后所说的几句话,会在听众的耳边回响——这些话将被保持最长久的记忆。不过,一般初学演讲的人,很少会注意到这件事实的重要性。他们的结尾经常令人感到失望。The close is really the most strategic point in a talk, what one says last, the final words left ringing in the ears when one ceases-these are likely to be remembered longest. Unlike Mr. Johnson, beginners seldom appreciate the importance of this; their endings often leave much to be desired.

    他们最常犯的错误是什么呢?让我们来研究一下,找出补救的方法。What are their most common errors? Let us discuss a few and search for remedies.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·4.使用展示——或者用,或者不用 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·1.总结你的观点


