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    在培训班里的第14堂课,我通常安排学生们讲述自己如何在日常生活里运用本书所介绍的技巧。我听到推销员们说自己的销售业绩大大提高了,经理们则表示公司业务蒸蒸日上,主管们的管理协调能力增强了很多……一切成功都源于他们在工作中充分地发挥了语言的技巧。对此,我深感欣慰。AT THE FOURTEENTH session of my course I have often heard with pleasure students tell how they used the techniques in this book in their everyday lives. Salesmen point to increased sales, managers to promotions, executives to a widened span of control, all due to the increased skill with which they gave instructions and solved problems using the tools of effective speech.

    在《今日语言》杂志上,理查德·狄勒曾这样写道:“说话、说话的形态、说话的次数以及说话的气氛……是商业沟通系统中的生命脉博。”弗莱德·康纳德,通用汽车公司戴尔·卡耐基课程培训的负责人,在同一本杂志中也曾经这样写道:“我们之所以保持如此高的热情在公司从事语言的训练,原因在于,我们了解每位管理者或多或少都可算得上是一名老师。从招聘一名员工开始,经过初期的训练,再经过正规的任务分配和工作调整,管理者需要不断地解释、描述、申斥、说明、指示、批评,和上级以及自己部门中的每个人讨论无数的事情。”As N. Richard Diller wrote in Today's Speech: Talk, the type of talk, the amount of talk, and the atmosphere for such talk... can act as the very life blood of an industrial communication system. R. Fred Canaday. in charge of the General Motors Dale carnegie Course in Effective Leadership, wrote in the same magazine: "One of the basic reasons we at General Motors are interested in speech training is our recognition that every supervisor is a teacher to a greater or lesser degree. From the time he interviews a prospective employee, through the orientation phase of early employment, or through regular assignment and possible promotion. a supervisor is continually called upon to explain, describe, reprimand, inform, instruct, review, and discuss myriads of subjects with each person in his department." As we proceed up the ladder of oral communication to those areas that come closest to public speaking discussions, decision-making, problem-solving and policy-formulating conferences-we see again how the skills of effective speaking as taught in this book can be transferred to everyday speech activities. The rules for effective speaking before groups are directly applicable to conference participation and conference leadership.

    当我们沿着日常交谈的路径向上攀升,而达到当众讲演的境界时——譬如在讨论问题、解决问题、做出决策的会议上——我们回过头来重新评估本书所教导的成功演讲技巧,发现它对日常的语言活动是如此有效,能直接用于参加会议和控制会议。Organization of the idea to be presented, the choice of the right words to launch it, the earnestness and enthusiasm used in delivering it are elements that will guarantee the idea's life in the final stage of solution. All these elements have been thoroughly discussed in this book. It remains for the reader to apply what he has learned in every conference in which he participates.

    思想的组织和表达、正确的遣词造句、讲演时的热情和赤诚,这些都用于保证思想能够在最后的阶段得到完美的表达。所有这些技巧都在本书中进行了详细的分析,以后的事情就要看读者们在各种社交场合如何灵活应用了。You are wondering when to begin applying what you perhaps have learned in the previous thirteen chapters of this book. You may be surprised if I answer that query by one word: Immediately.

    也许你现在正在思索着什么时候开始应用本书中的许多语言技巧,我用一个词来回答你的疑问:立刻。对此,你也许会感到吃惊。Even though you are not planning to make a speech in public for some time, if at all, I am certain you will find that the principles and techniques in this book are applicable every day. When I say start using these techniques now, I mean in the very next speaking situation in which you find yourself.

    即使你从来没有计划做一场公开演讲,但你会发现本书中的原则和技巧,一样能应用于日常生活中。我说立刻就开始使用这些技巧的意思是,在说下一句话时就开始使用这些技巧。If you analyze the speaking that you do every day, you will be amazed by the similarity of purpose between your daily speaking and the type of formal communication discussed in these pages.

    如果对自己每天所说的话进行分析,你会惊讶地发现,自己的日常说话与本书中讨论的正式沟通之间十分相似。In Chapter Seven, you were urged to keep in mind one of four general purposes when you speak before groups; you may want to give them information, entertain them, convince them that your position is right, or persuade them to take action of some kind. In public speaking we try to keep these purposes distinct, both as to the content of the talk and the manner of out delivery.

    在第三章中,我提醒大家在当众说话时,心里应该想着四种说话目的中的一种,即究竟是要提供消息、取悦听众、说服听众赞同自己的观点,还是游说他们采取某种行动。在公开演讲时,应该努力使目的变得清楚分明,无论在演讲内容还是讲演的态度方面。在日常生活中讲话,这些目的常常游移不定,一日数易,彼此相互涵容。刚才也许是与朋友纵情闲聊,突然间鼓起三寸不烂之舌,竭力推销某项产品,过了几秒钟,话题又转到劝告孩子要将零用钱存到银行里去了。这种情形十分普遍,如果能将本书中讲述的技巧应用到日常生活中,就能更有效地说明自己的意图,成功地说服和激励他人,充分达到自己的目的。In daily speaking, these purposes are fluid, merging with one another and constantly changing through the course of the day. At one moment we may be indulging in friendly chitchat and then suddenly we may be using speech to sell a product or persuade a child to put his spending money in the bank. By applying the techniques described in this book to everyday conversation we can make ourselves more effective, get our ideas across more efficiently, and motivate others with skill and fact.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·2.请求听众采取行动 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·一、在日常生活中加以运用


