赖世雄英语书信通Unit 17:托友人租屋函
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      February 1, 2005

      Dear Sam,

      It’s been some time since we last saw each other, but soon we will be able to meet frequently. My company is transferring me to our office in Denver, so we’ll be living in the same city. I will start work there in April, so I have to start preparing to move right away.

      If it’s not too big a hassle, could you help me look for an apartment or condominium? If you don’t have time yourself, perhaps you could put me in touch with a good real estate agent.

      I would like to find a place from which it is easy to get downtown by bus or car, and which is in a good neighborhood. I would prefer a new place, though I don’t mind if it’s a few years old. A one-bedroom apartment is sufficient, though it should be large. I would like a furnished place which costs no more than US$1,000 a month.

      I hope you won’t find this too much trouble. I will be very grateful if you can help me out. When I get to town, I’ll treat you to dinner.


      Nick Harris






      尼克‧哈利斯 敬上



      1. each other(两者)互相,彼此

      one another(三者以上)互相,彼此

      ,现代的美语已将each other及one another混用。换言之

      each other及one another均可指两者或三者以上的“彼此”。

      例:The two boys are always making fun of each other.


      John and his friends enjoy playing jokes on one another.


      2. transfer 调动

      例:The defence minister transferred the general to a desk job.


      3. Denver .丹佛(美国科罗拉多州的首府)

      4. prepare to V准备……

      例:The soldiers are preparing to attack.


      5. hassle 麻烦

      6. condominium 住宅大厦,公寓大楼

      7. put sb in touch with sb介绍某人和某人认识

      例:My friend put me in touch with someone who could sell me what I wanted.


      8. real estate agent房地产经纪人

      estate 地产

      real estate不动产

      上一篇:赖世雄英语书信通Unit 16:友人回函 下一篇:赖世雄英语书信通Unit 18:友人回函

