August 20, 2005
Dear Yulin,
Here I am in America! Everything is so big and spread out. The streets seem empty because they are so wide. Los Angeles is a huge city in terms of area; it takes forever to drive from one side to the other. But it’s not nearly as crowded as Taipei. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to get around without a car, so it’s no wonder there is a lot of smog.
The people I have met so far have been very friendly, though I get really nervous talking to them. I don’t feel like my English is good enough yet. Everyone talks so fast! I hope I can get used to it. My host family is very nice to me. I’ll probably feel homesick after I’ve been here longer, but right now I’m too excited.
Julie Chen
陈茱莉 敬上
1.spread 宽阔;伸展
例:The police spread out around the house where the criminal was hiding.
2.huge 巨大的 terms of..就...而言
例:The novel isn't bad in terms of plot,but the characterrization isn't very good.
4.not nearly 远不及
例:The test was not nearly as hard as i thought it would be.
5.get around 随处走动
例:A bicycle is the best way to get around this town. wonder 难怪
例:No wonder ou can't turn your computer on,you haven't plugged it in!
7.smog 烟雾