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    Children are taught to push themselves to try and be better than their classmates, rather than work together for everyone’s profit. Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 我们应该教育孩子们努力超越其他同学,而非一起努力,是否同意利大于弊? (2016年6月4日)

    【考情点评】 本场写作为旧题重现,只是将两种观点讨论改成了利弊讨论的提问角度,依然考察教育的方式,体现教育恒热的趋势。



    Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人认为教育的目的是帮助使个人成为对社会有益的人,有人认为教育的目的是帮助人实现个人梦想,讨论两种观点?(2014年4月12日)


    1. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children we are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为我们应该培养孩子们的竞争意识,有人认为我们应该教会孩子们学习合作,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。

    2. Some people claim that children should learn how to compete in school while others believe that it is more useful to teach children how to co-operate. What's your opinion? 有人认为孩子们应该在学校里学习竞争,有人认为教会孩子们合作更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。(2015年10月31日)




    v 为何合作对于孩子们的成长更加重要:

    ① 无论是在学术追求还是攀登事业阶梯中,教育的理念应该是所有的孩子们都应该被鼓励去学习竞争、出类拔萃。竞争是开发一个人无限潜能,增进一个人自信的强大的驱动力。例如,很多孩子正是通过文体活动的竞争,培养了自己独有的才华,拥有了未来的美丽人生。

    ② 在一个人的成长中,竞争无所不在,压力也无处不存。 一个人要想有所作为,就要适应竞争,在逆境中成长,在人生无数次的竞争中学习“适者生存”。

    v 为何竞争对于孩子们的成长更加重要:

    ① 个人的才华和能力有限,无论在学术追求还是事业发展中,没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队。孩子们只有从小学习合作,才能借势用力,做事事半功倍。例如,很多国家要求学生们完成小组作业,是为培养孩子们的在团队中奉献、分享、让步、团结,这些优秀的品质,会在未来对于他们的事业和生活产生积极的影响。

    ② 合作是帮助孩子们拓宽交友圈的重要方式之一,一个不习惯于合作的孩子,通常会孤独、自闭、在社交方面力不从心。相反,一个愿意分享和合作的孩子,性格方面,往往更有胸怀,积极乐观。


    1. The relative importance of competition and cooperation is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explore the chief aim of education 当人们试图去探究教育的目的之时,合作与竞争的相对重要性成为讨论的热点。

    2. My stand,however,is that cooperation is one of the key words in one’s growth. A man who lacks teamwork spirit and cooperation awareness is doomed to be a victim of adversity. 然而,我的立场是,合作是一个人成长中的关键词,一个人缺乏团队竞争和合作意识的人,注定会成为逆境的牺牲品。

    3. Indeed, some people argue that education concept should be based on the belief that all children should be urged to compete to stand out in a crowd both in academic performance and climbing career ladders. 的确,有人认为,无论是在学术追求还是攀登事业阶梯中,教育的理念应该是所有的孩子们都应该被鼓励去竞争以出类拔萃。

    4. Via competing with others, a child’s unlimited potential can be fully tapped, likewise, his or her self-confidence can be strongly stimulated. 竞争是开发一个人无限潜能,增进一个人自信的强大的驱动力。

    5. From our life, we can find plenty of examples to prove that a great many high-achievers attribute their unique talents and rosy future to participating in various competitions such as sports events or music contest. 生活中的例证很多,许多孩子正是通过文体活动的竞争,培养了自己独有的才华,拥有了未来的美丽人生。

    6. Pressure and competition is everywhere during one’s growth process, one needs to learn to adapt to fierce competition and grow in adversity as long as he or she desires to excel. Finally, one will know that only the fittest can survive. 在一个人的成长中,竞争无所不在,压力也无处不存。 一个人要想有所作为,就要适应竞争,在逆境中成长,在人生无数次的竞争中学习“适者生存”。

    7. Learn to cooperate is one of the most effective ways to enlarge a child’s circle of friends. More precisely, children who are reluctant to cooperate are usually isolated, introverted and tend to be socially inadequate. On the contrary, those who are willing to share and cooperate, in most cases, are big at heart and more optimistic. 合作是帮助孩子们拓宽交友圈的重要方式之一,一个不习惯于合作的孩子,通常会孤独、自闭、在社交方面力不从心。相反,一个愿意合作分享的孩子,性格方面,往往更有胸怀,积极乐观。

    8. Examples are many,cooperation is one of most indispensable qualities during one’s growth. Keeping this in mind, many countries and educators attach great importance to the cultivation of students’ cooperation capacity. 例证很多,合作是一个人成长中必不可少的品质之一,正是意识到这一点,很多国家和教育者高度重视培养一个人的合作能力。

    9. Furthermore, cooperation is a contributing factor to the success of a community. Conversely, competition generally leads to a win-lose result, cooperation advocates that one plus one is larger than two, three or even a larger number. Therefore,it usually leads to win-win situation. 另外,合作是一个社会成功的因素,相反,竞争通常导致的是“你赢我输”的结果,合作提倡的是一加一大于二,三或者更大的数字。因此,合作通常带来互利共赢的局面。

    10. Although many people stress the significance of competition for a child’s growth, cooperation should never be ignored. As the classic saying goes,no man is an island. Only with teamwork and cooperation can children achieve eye-dazzling success and live in peace and harmony with each other. 尽管很多人强调竞争对于孩子成长的意义,我们不能忽视合作,一句格言说:“没有人是一个孤岛”。只有拥有团队精神和合作意识,孩子们在未来才能获得更耀眼的成功,彼此和谐共处。


      上一篇:雅思大作文语料库:学生择业难的影响及解决 下一篇:雅思大作文语料库:远程教育


