In many countries women allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their babies. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? 很多女性在生产后一个月会休产假,是否利大于弊?(2016年2月27日)
【作家立场】 女性休产假利大于弊。
① 在笑笑出生前的一个月,准妈妈的身体已经非常负累,老师每日的功课是晨起做饭,给小石头穿鞋,送她出行。老师不会以任何的理由惹小石头生气,那段时光也许会成为小石头回忆中最难得的幸福时刻。
② 我见证了笑笑的健康出生,笑笑出生后,我是一直守在石头的身边,看到她疲倦而幸福的面容,我已经无法再闭上我的眼睛,我只能让热泪畅流。
③ 当我们第一次捧着小婴儿,感觉到那小小心脏的跳动,我们知道笑笑将会是我们永远的挚爱和生命的延续。 我们知道,当他要摔倒时,我们会在他身边扶着他,保护他不受任何伤害……
① 一个女子愿意为了男子十月怀胎,那么,她一定是深爱着这个男子。未来爱的结晶会让这份情感坚如盘石,绵长悠远。人非草木,看到即将临盆的妻子忍受身体的负重带来的痛苦,准爸爸定会精心呵护母子,准妈妈可以充分享受待产所带来的难得的清闲。因此,女性待产是很好的增进夫妻纽带的契机。
② 对于新生婴儿而言,女性休假可以保障他们的健康成长。
① 对于一些产妇而言,休产假可能成为她们职场晋升的阻碍,因为企业即要为待产的妈妈承担一部分的福利,又要暂时舍弃一些职场精英可能为企业创造价值的机会,因此,当很多中层女性管理者回归企业之后,可能发现她们已经失去了宝贵的职业晋升的机会。
② 勤奋工作也是一种惯性,待产休假可能会使悠闲生活成为一种惯性,因此,妈妈们在待产期间即可能产生职业倦怠,也必然会有职业技能的退化。
【首段】背景介绍 + 作家立场
Giving a birth to a baby tops all in terms of consolidating relationship between partners of life and feeling well-being of matrimony. To ensure the health of both pregnant women and new-born babies, maternity leave is a common practice among many enterprises around the globe. This is definitely a beneficial practice for would-be parents even if taking a paid leave might bring about some problems.
Advantages can be manifold for those new mothers if they can rest for a while. First, maternity leave can be a splendid opportunity for those great mothers to carefully attend to their infants because newborn babies are so
delicate that they need mother’s love. Secondly, taking paid leave is a golden chance to strengthen the family tie. Witnessing the arduousness of wives, every father will be moved and thus spare no efforts to take intensive care of their beloved. A newborn baby is a fruit of deep love, the process of going through thick and thin together will make marital life as solid as a rock and marriage bonds as deep as ocean. Last,pregnancy can be a bitter-sweet process during which every mother will sacrifice a great deal both physically and mentally. In this sense, mothers can take a good rest and fully recover from the hardship of operation.
However, there is no garden without weeds. Even though what will be gained is greater than what will be lost, some problems might ensue. On the downsides, the first drawback is that many mothers, especially those females who take managerial positions, have to momentarily forgo their endeavors they have made and the experiences they have accumulated, which might be sort of potential barrier for climbing the career ladder when they return to workplace. Even worse, some mothers are likely to be the first to lose their jobs during an economic downturn. Another potential problem is that hard work is a habit-formation.Likewise, laziness can also be habitual, when relaxing pace of life grows on those mothers, some of them might generate a sense of job burnout and the degradation of professional skills is inevitable.
In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that even though maternal leave might make it difficult for some mothers to fit back into the routine of the work days and be passed over for promotions, to be a mother is a must for every female. When mothers finish their dreams of having a baby and strive for their babies’ rosy future, their motivation can be highly stimulated, in this sense, allowing internal employees to take a paid leave is a win-win strategy for both female workers and relevant enterprises.
1. infant 婴儿
2. give a birth to a baby 生孩子
3. would-be fathers 准爸爸
4. pregnant women = would-be mothers 准妈妈
5. take paid leave = maternity leave带薪休假
6. Giving a birth to a baby tops all in terms of consolidating relationship between partners of life and feeling well-being of matrimony. 在巩固家庭关系和享受婚姻幸福方面,养育子女是最重要的因素。
7. Witnessing the arduousness of wives, every father will be moved and thus spare no efforts to take intensive care of their beloved. 见证妻子育儿的辛苦,每一个爸爸都会被感动,因此,他们会竭尽全力去精心照料他们的爱人。
8. A newborn baby is a fruit of deep love, the process of going through sick and thin together will make marital life as solid as a rock and marriage bonds as deep as ocean. 新生命是爱的结晶,风雨同舟的育儿过程会使婚姻坚如磐石,夫妻感情深如大海。
9. is a golden chance to strengthen the family tie 是增强家庭纽带的良好契机
10. However, there is no garden without weeds. 然而,凡事皆有利弊。
11. When relaxing pace of life grows on those mothers, some of them might generate a sense of job burnout 当一些妈妈喜欢上了休闲的生活节奏,她们也许会产生一种职业倦怠。
12. Mothers have to momentarily forgo their endeavors they have made and the experiences they have accumulated. 妈妈们不得不暂时放弃已经做出的努力和积累的经验。
13. might be sort of potential barrier for climbing the career ladder 也许会成为攀登事业阶梯的阻碍
14. might make it difficult for some mothers to fit back into the routine of the work days 使一些妈妈很难再适应日常工作的常规事务
15. Allowing internal employees to take a paid leave is a win-win strategy for both female workers and relevant enterprises. 允许内部职员带薪休产假对于企业和员工而言,是互利共赢。