Mt. Wuyi is near Tropic of Cancer,seated in subtropical humid monsoon climatic zone,with an average annual temperature of about 17. 90C.The temperate and moist climate provides favorite conditions for the vegetation of Mt Wuyi,which is therefore particularly teaming and prosperous with all lives all year round. As the seasons shift,the scenes offer varied interest as well .In early spring,the mountain is attractive with lively green dotted with brilliant flowers;in summer,it is the ideal resort from the seasonal heat with its cooling shade of the green trees and the bubbling brooks;in autumn,it is impressive with the azure sky .the flaming red maples,and the expanses of blooming camellia;and in winter, the evergreens brave a chilly white world that creates a special beauty一And for all seasons the sunshine,the rainfall,the mist,and the cloud all brings about unpredictable mirages of the mountain scenes. 武夷山邻近北回归线,属于亚热带湿润季风气候区,年平均气温为17. 9摄氏度。夏无酷著,冬无严寒。温暖湿润的气候为武夷山植物生长提供了优越的自然条件。因此,武夷山中竹树茂密,花草繁盛,鸟语花香,四季如春。随着时序的流转,山光水色会给人以不同的情趣:早春,山青水绿,野花红艳,明媚动人;人夏,林木交荫,处处流水潺潺,凉风习习,堪称避暑胜地;秋来,天高气爽,满山丹枫如染,茶花盛开,令人心旷神怡;冬至,寒山映日,松翠不凋,又是一种风情。至于阴晴朝暮,风烟雨雪,山川景色更是变幻莫测。