Suzhou gardens are the best of those in southern China that are the best of the world”.Generally little and delicate,they produce a sense of a beautiful painting. The stress is put on mealadering through a labyrinth of complexity and continuous surprises of vista at each step forward. The miniature mountains and rocks,the bridges and the waters,--they are small yet grand;the flowers and trees,the towers and pavilions,一they are exquisite with seclusion and serene. Within limits the garden spaces are so ingeniously handled that the effect cf infinitude is produced,hence they are reputed as "vast landscape condensed in a little garden". “江南园林甲大下,苏州园林甲江南”。苏州园林大多小巧玲珑,置身其内让人有身在画中的感觉。苏州园林在造园上讲究步移景异、步步为景。园中一山一石、小桥流水,于细微中见宏远,一花一木、亭榭楼台,于精巧中寓幽深;仿佛天地之宽、山川之迥皆融于其中,故被人称为“万里湖山入小园”。