Part of the complaint was directed towards the smoke, congestion, poverty and ugliness of cities, but clean-air bills and slum clearance would not by themselves have eradicated Wordsworth's critique. For it was the effect of cities on our souls, rather than on our health, that concerned him.
The poet accused cities of fostering a family of lifedestroying emotions: anxiety about our position in the social hierarchy, envy at the success of others, pride and a desire to shine in the eyes of strangers. City-dwellers had no perspective, he alleged; they were in thrall to what was spoken of in the street or at the dinner table. However well provided for, they had a relentless desire for new things, which they did not genuinely lack and on which happiness did not depend. And in this crowded, anxious sphere, it seemed harder than on an isolated homestead to begin sincere relationships with others. 'One thought baffled my understanding,' wrote Wordsworth of his residence in London, 'how men lived even next-door neighbours, as we say, yet still strangers, and knowing not each other's names.'
Myself afflicted by a few of these ills, I had, several months before my journey to the Lake District, emerged from a gathering held in the centre of London, that 'turbulent world/of men and things' (The Prelude) . Walking away from the venue, envious and worried about my position, I found myself deriving unexpected relief from the sight of a vast object overhead which, despite the darkness, I attempted to photograph with a pocket camera-and which served to bring home to me, as rarely before, the redemptive power of natural forces with which so much of Wordsworth's poetry was concerned. The cloud had floated over that part of the city only a few minutes before and, given the strong westerly wind, was not destined to remain above it long. The lights of surrounding offices lent to its edges an almost decadent fluorescent orange glow, making it look like a grave old man bedecked with party decorations, and yet its granite grey centre testified to its origins in the slow interplay of air and sea. Soon it would be over the fields of Essex, then the marshes and oil refineries, before heading out over the mutinous North Sea waves.
Keeping my eyes fixed on the apparition while walking towards the bus stop, I felt my anxieties abate, and turned over in my mind lines that the cadeish poet had once composed in honour of a Welsh valley.
… [Nature] can so inform
The mind that is within us, so impress
With quietness and beauty, and so feed
With lofty thoughts, that neither evil tongues,
Rash judgements, nor the sneers of selfish men,
Nor greetings where no kindness is, nor al l
The dreary intercourse of daily life,
Shall e'er prevail against us, or disturb
Our chearful faith that all which we behold
Is full of blessings.
Lines written a few miles
above Tintern Abbey