1.Management compensated us for the time we worked.
重点词语:compensate v.补偿,酬报
商务用语:compensate somebody for loss 赔偿某人损失
2.Equal compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.
重点词语:compensation n.①补偿,赔偿 ②酬金
商务用语:in compensation for 以…为报酬/赔偿
make compensation for 补偿/赔偿…
compensation trade 补偿贸易
make compensation for somebody's losses 补偿某人的损失
3.Japan competed with other countries for world market.
重点词语:compete v.比赛,竞争
商务用语:compete with/against sb. for sth.为获得某物而与某人竞争
4. The competition has cornered the market.
重点词语:competition n.比赛,竞争;竞争对手
商务用语:keep trade competition between 在…之间保持贸易竞争
fair competition 公平竞争
horizontal competition 同业竞争
5.The agency is a highly competitive sales representative.
重点词语:competitive adj.竞争性的
商务用语:competitive bidding system 招标投标制
price not competitive 价格不能与同业竞争
competitive with 可与…竞争的