1. A special visit from her daughter.
重点词语:special n.专车,专刊 adj.专门的,专用的
商务用语:special account 专用账户,特种账单
special agent 特别代理人
special appropriation 专用拨款
special area 英长期不景气的工业地区
2.He specialises in chemistry.
重点词语:specialise v.专门研究,深入
商务用语:specialise one‘s accusation 指明控诉
specialise each item 逐项列举
3.Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.
重点词语: speed vt.加速 vi.熟悉 n.速度
商务用语:speed up a car 使汽车加速
speed production 加速生产
4.He was square with his landlord.
重点词语:square adj.结清的,彻底的 adv.正直地,公平地 v.与…一致
商务用语:square accounts with 与…结算,清算,向…报仇
square deal 口公平交易,诚实交易
5.It costs 10 pence to travel three stages.
重点词语:stage n.活动场所,发展的进程,阶段或时期 vt.筹备,举行
商务用语:ascent stage 上升阶段
critical stage 危险期
stage a comeback 美卷土重来;再度走红;复辟;(花)重开
set the stage for 为…做准备;使…可能;促成
6.One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.
重点词语:section n.部分,区
商务用语:section foreman 领班
all sections of poeple 各界人民
show sth. in section 把某物以断面显示出来
7.They were selected from many applicants.
重点词语:select vt.选择,挑选 adj.精选的
商务用语:a select club 选择会员严格的俱乐部
be select in choosing one‘s friends 谨慎择友
8.I'll send down to the kitchen for coffee.
重点词语:send vt.送,寄,发送,派遣,打发
商务用语:send away for 函购
send in an account 开送账单,报账
send by dispatch 把(某物)作快件送发
send to the hammer 拿出去拍卖
9.He received a heavy sentence.
重点词语:separate vt.分开 adj.分开的;不同的
商务用语:separate estate 独有财产
separate maintenance 分居赡养费
separate the good ones from the bad ones 区分好坏
separate sth. into several portions 把某物分成几份