On the outer packing, please mark wording, "Handle with Care".
Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case marked TM and numbered from No. 1 upward.
Please mark the cases(boxes,bags,casks,etc)as per the drawing given.
Please cable packing and marks.
We will mark the packages the same as before.
Words and Phrases
mark 唛头
Indicative Mark 指示性标志
Warning Mark 警告性标志
upward 向上,由下往上
This Side Up 此端向上
Handle With Care 小心轻放
Keep Upright 勿倒置
Use No Hooks 请勿倒挂
Not to be tripped 勿倾倒
Keep in a dry place 在干燥处保管
Keep in a cool place 在冷处保管
Keep away from boilers 远离锅炉
Keep away from heat 请勿受热
Keep away from cold 请勿受冷
Keep Dry 防湿
Explosive 爆炸品
Fragile 易碎品
Inflammable 易燃品