The name of the product 产品的名称
The venue for the launch 产品发布会地点
The date and time of the event 这一活动的日期和时间
Some details of the event programe 活动计划的一些具体内容
A final date for returning replies 回复的最后期限
meet the promotional requirements 符合促销要求
publicise product launch information 宣传产品发布信息
place advertising in newspapers 在报纸上做广告
ensure that you hit the target market you are aiming for 确保取得瞄准的目标市场
create market success 取得市场成功
in the most timely and cost effective way 以最为及时,取得最大成本效益的方式
provide guidelines for the timing of all aspects of the launch 指定方针,安排发布会各方面的具体时间
present your product and company with the very best image possible. 尽可能展示出你的产品和公司的最好形象
ensure that no delays occur that adversely affect your product in the market 确保不出现严重影响产品销售的延误
keep your launch on track 随时跟踪发布会的情况