讲述公司搬迁的原因-BEC商务英语初级课堂笔记 Unit 5B (2)
教程:BEC初级  浏览:875  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    Orientation 介绍性指导,介绍情况使对方熟悉


    Speaking: work in pairs. Discuss the following questions>

    Why do companies relocate to another part of the same country?

    Why do they relocate to another country?


    get government grant 得到政府资助

    relocate to a place where cheap labor is available 搬迁到劳动力成本比较便宜的地点

    better transport network facilitates company development 更好的交通网络有利于公司的发展

    save costs 节省成本

    have access to more skilled workers 得到技术更好的工人

    adopt follow-the-talent policy 实行追求人才的政策

    cheaper labor costs 更廉价的劳动力成本

    low rates of corporate tax 较低的企业税

    to get closer to the market 更接近市场

    attracted by the pro-business environment 被有利于商务的环境所吸引

    Speaking: Put six reasons for relocating to Ireland in order of importance for your company.


    pro-business environment 对商务有利的环境

    have all the advantages of operating in a total business hub 具有在商务活动中心运作所需的各种优势

    given top ranking to the government for its proficiency 政府因为效率高而获得高度评价

    get financial aid from the local government 得到当地政府的资助

    investors enjoy easy access to customers worldwide 投资商进入世界各地市场很方便

    world-class transportation 世界级的交通和物流

    state-of-art telecommunication and IT infrastructure 最先进的电信和信息技术基础设施

    taxation system is business friendly 税收制度有利于商务

    enjoy good quality of life 享受高质量的生活

    Arranging to relocate 安排搬迁


    Complete the information below with phrases from the ERS report.


    Report writing

    The following phrase are useful when writing reports.


    The aim/purpose of this report is to…

    This report sets out to …


    It was decided/agreed/felt that …

    No conclusions were reached regarding…


    We would recommend that…

    It is suggested that…

      上一篇:讲述公司迁址原因常用的英语表达-BEC商务英语初级课堂笔记 Unit 5B (1) 下一篇:公司搬迁报告英语版-BEC商务英语初级课堂笔记 Unit 5B (3)

