1. To be under (an) obligation “负有……的义务,有义务做……”,比如:we are under no obligation to give him what he wants. 我们没有他要什么就给什么的义务。
2. To be obliged to do sth “必须(做某事)”,比如:Parents are obliged to send their children to school. 家长必须让他们的子女去上学。
3. Have to do sth “不得不……”,表示有外部客观因素导致的职责和义务,比如:the train leaves at six o’clock, so I have to get up early tomorrow. 火车明天六点开,所以明天我只好早起。
4. Must“应该,必须”,表示说话人主观上认为有义务这样做。比如:I must clean my teeth everyday. 我应该每天刷牙。
5. To be required to do sth.“ 被要求做……,必须做……”,比如:All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。
How safe is your workplace 你的工作场所有多安全?
How could you improve the three worst features?
poor ventilation 通风差
over-crowed office 办公室过于拥挤
air-conditioner goes out of order 空调出故障
not enough drinking water 没有足够的饮用水
inadequate washroom facilities 没有足够的卫生设备
inadequate first aid facilities 急救设备不完备
fail to provide regular maintenance of the equipment 不能定期维护设备