11. 表达必要性Obligation
Construction should be finished by the end of April./工程应该在4月底 完成。
We definitely need to get better at controlling the costs./我们确实需要 更好地控制成本。
We must have these items produced strictly to our specifications./我们 的产品必须严格按规格生产。
We need to get a new part./我们需要换一个新部件。
What kind of tariffs will we have to deal with?/我们要支付多少关 税?
You don't have to wear a suit.It's an informal occasion./您用不着穿正 装,这是一个非正式场合。
You must inform the tax authorities./您必须通知税务部门。
Your monthly supply budget should not exceed$100./你们每月的办公 用品预算不应超过100美元。