credit n. ①赊购,赊购制度 ②信任,信用
短语credit card 信用卡
credit sales 赊购
credit note 信用票据;贷项凭单(公司向退还货物的客户发出的贷记凭证,可用于购买该公司的货物)
letter of credit 信用证
例Please pay attention-an automatic 30-day credit on all orders.
I'm sorry but we don't accept credit, please pay now in cash.
creditor n. 债权人,贷方
短语unsecured creditor 无担保债权人
creditor nation 债权国
secure a creditor 为信贷作保
例Creditors have better memories than debtors.
His main creditor is demanding payment.
The company has gone bankrupt and can't pay its creditors.
creditworthiness n. 信贷价值,信贷信用
crisis n. ①危机 ②转折点
短语an economic crisis 经济危机
a financial crisis 金融危机
crisis of confidence 信任危机
cyclical economic crisis 周期性经济危机
monetary crisis 货币危机
例We must bring things to a crisis.
critical adj. 关键的
短语critical moment 危机;紧要关头,关键时刻
a critical decision 重大的决定
critical path analysis 关键途径分析法
例Having enough fund is the critical element of the plan.