-So Steeph, how's the cash flow situation? Any better?
-Not really. No. The more we sell the less cash we seem to have.
-Yes, I know. It's called overtrading.You gotta have to figure out the quicker way of turning the sales and cash.
-But how Babara? That's the question.
-Well, did you think any more about offering earlier settlement discount?
-Oh yeah, we talked about most of it. They sounds quite interesting. It seems that if we offer 1% discount, about half of our customers will pay in 10 days.
-Well that would make a big difference of cash flow.
-But if we offer 2%, 3 quaters of our customers will pay within ten days.
-That's great! So why don't you do it?
-Oh come on Babara, margin is small after all already. I don't see how we can afford to offer these discounts! If we give it 2% discount, we will loose thousands of dollars of the year!
-Do you know how much exactly?
-Well on average month of the sales on 25,000 dollars, it costs over 400,000 of the year!
-What if you offer 1% and half customers use it?
-Well it already costs 15,000 of the year.that's a lot of money, Babara!
-But don't forget your financing cost, Steeph. Financing of cash flow gap means you pay for the bank on 300,000 dollars of interests. I will doubt that if you offer the 1% discount,you will save almost thousands on the financing cost.
-So what are you saying is the real cost of the discount? Will it only be 500 dollars more?
-That's right. And your cash flow for the month will increase by over 8000 dollars.And with the 2% discount,you will have extra 16000 a month.
-Wahoo!That much!We could really use that extra cash, Steeph!
-Mmmuh...I still think 2% is too much!
-Then why don't we offer 1%?
-Mmmuh. Babara?
-Well, it's not my decision. But if I were you, Steeph,I will really think very seriously about early settlement discount.
-Ok, I get the point. If you really can make that big difference, we will give it a try.