The government in Shenzhen has lowered the income benchmarks for the first time since 1999 to soften the impact of the financial crisis on local companies.
上面的报道中,income benchmark就是"工资指导价",也叫"工资基准",benchmark在这里指a standard by which something can be measured or judged,即"基准、标准"之意。
例如:His painting sets the benchmark of quality.他的画成为衡量绘画品质的标准。
政府制定income benchmark是为了用人单位和求职者在商讨薪资待遇时有个基本的标准,一般都包括high-level、medium-level 和 low-level income benchmark。在投资领域,我们有时候也会看到income这个短语,不过就跟工资无关了,指的是"收益",比如fixed income benchmark(固定收益基准),fixed income securities(固定收益证券),net income(净收益)等。