e.g. These points for discussion are indicated by bullet points.
2. business concept 经营理念
e.g. This business concept has proved over the years to be extremely popular with British and international tourists alike.
3. business district 商务地段,商务区(指写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店集中的区域或地段),亦作commercial district, commercial area, corporate business area
e.g. The hotel is only a five-minute walk from the business and shopping districts.
4. business class (飞机、车、船等的)公务舱,头等舱,亦作first class,与条件稍次、票价较低的economy class(经济舱)相对
e.g. The small airline has beaten the huge Royal Dutch KLM airline, and other national state air companies, to win the title of Europe’s best usiness class service.
5. business-format franchising 经营模式特许权(特许授予者向特许经营者提供一个完整的经营模式,其中包括商标的使用、提供销售的商品或服务,经营手法、品质控制、市场策划、选择经营地点及其他必要的服务等,较显著的例子是麦当劳餐厅)
6. business hours 营业时间、办公时间
e.g. Normal business hours are between 9 am and 5 pm.
正常营业时间是上午9点到下午5 点。