conservative: adj. 1、opposed to great or sudden social change; showing that you prefer traditional styles and values;2、(of an estimate) lower than what is probably the real amount or number;
dramatic: adj. 1、(of a change, an event, etc.) sudden, very great and often surprising;2、exciting and impressive;
revival: n. 1、an improvement in the condition or strength of sth;2、the process of sth becoming or being made popular or fashionable again;
embark: v. to get onto a ship; to put sth onto a ship;
ambitious: adj. 1、determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc;2、needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed;
acquisition: n.1、the act of getting sth, especially knowledge, a skill, etc;2、something that sb buys to add to what they already own, usually sth valuable;3、[C, U] (business) a company, piece of land, etc. bought by sb, especially another company; the act of buying it;
ruthless: adj. (of people or their behaviour) hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people;
innovative: adj. introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing sth, etc;
mastermind: v. to plan and direct a complicated project or activity;
cruiser: n.1、a boat with a motor and room for people to sleep, used for pleasure trips;2、a large fast ship used in war;
gourmet:n. a person who knows a lot about good food and wines and who enjoys choosing, eating and drinking them
demerge: v. to separate a company into smaller companies, usually into the companies that had previously been joined together; to be split in this way;
shrewd:adj. clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation;
pilot scheme:实验性计划
professional occupation:(律师等)提供专业服务的行业