giant: n. 1、(in stories) a very large strong person who is often cruel and stupid—see also giantess;2、an unusually large person, animal or plant;3、a very large and powerful organization;4、a person who is very good at sth;
plummeting:adj. very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are;
acquisition: n. a company, piece of land, etc. bought by sb, especially another company; the act of buying it;
accelerate: v. 1、to happen or to make sth happen faster or earlier than expected; 2、[v] (of a vehicle or person) to start to go faster;
inflate: v.1、to fill sth or become filled with gas or air; 2、[vn] to make sth appear to be more important or impressive than it really is;3、to increase in price; to increase the price of sth;
consolidation:v. 1、to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue;2、(technical) to join things together into one; to be joined into one;
dereguate:v. to free a trade, a business activity, etc. from rules and controls; deregulation: n. deregulatory:adj.
over-capacity: n. the situation in which an industry or a factory cannot sell as much as it is designed to produce;
diversifying: v. 1、diversify (sth) (into sth) (especially of a business or company) to develop a wider range of products, interests, skills, etc. in order to be more successful or reduce risk;2、to change or to make sth change so that there is greater variety;
strengthened:v. become stronger; to make sb/sth stronger;
alliance: n. 1、alliance (with sb/sth) | alliance (between A and B) an agreement between countries, political parties, etc. to work together in order to achieve sth that they all want; 2、a group of people, political parties, etc. who work together in order to achieve sth that they all want;
lured:v. to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them a reward;
obtaining:v. to get sth, especially by making an effort;
biotech: n. the use of living cells and bacteria in industrial and scientific processes;
duplicate:v.1、[often passive] to make an exact copy of sth; 2、to do sth again, especially when it is unnecessary;
duplication: n.
product portfolio:产品组合
economies of scale:规模效益,规模经济
equity take:股权
inject:vt. 注入
risk-free venture:无风险商业活动
payroll:n.在职人员工资表 压价
worldwide presence:在全球享有势力,参与国际竞争