小学四年级英语下册(冀教版)第三单元Lesson 17
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    Lesson 17 :How old are you ?
    丁家沟乡中心小学 张云霞

    一. Teaching aims:
    1. Enable the pupils to understand ,say,read and write: colour (red/ yellow/ blue)
    2. Enable the pupils to understand ,say and read : What colour is it?
    3. Enable the pupils to understand, say , read and write : How old are you?
    二. Important and difficult points :
    1. Words: colour,red , yellow , blue 。
    2. Sentences: (1)What colour is it ? It’s ------.
    (2)How old are you ? I am ___years old.
    三.Teaching Aids :
    How old are you ?
    I am ____years old.
    四.Teaching Procedures :
    Step 1.
    Hello/ hi / morning / nice to see you -----red / yellow / orange /blue---
    Step 2.
    Warming up
    T: Clap your hands /wave your arm / like a dog /act like a monkey /act like a cat / act like rabbits /ride a bike / drive a car /shoot for (colour)-------shoot for a big bag.
    当shoot for red/yellow/blue时,学生快速地将red/yellow/blue贴到黑板上。
    (设计理念:这种引入新课的方法不但复习了大量的词汇和句子,为学习新课做了铺垫, 而且由于学生急于想知道教师包里的东西究竟是什么,从而促使其动脑、动口。这种引入新课的方法比以往那种教师交代该节课的任务的做法要来得自然和轻松。同时也拉近了师生之间的距离。活动内容上,为新课埋下了伏笔。)
    Step 3.
    Presentation and practice
    1. colours
    (1)T:There are lots of things here.(big bag). Can you guess? If you’re guess,you will get it.(奖励a star)
    (2)T: Please talk with your friends.
    针对刚才的“What colou is it? It’s ____.”学生进行交际。
    (3)listen and colour。This is a race. If you’re first,you will stick a picture on the blackboard.
    播放录音,学生根据录音对课前发下来的marker / anpple / two chairs 进行比赛涂色。第一名快速地将涂好的图片贴到黑板上。
    对于板书进行小结:What colour is it?
    This is a red apple.
    This is a yellow marker.
    They are two blue chairs.
    2. How old are you ?
    (1)T: ok,everyone,let’s play a little game again. Ok?
    S: ok
    T: let’s count.
    S :one/two----
    T: 刚才的表现足以证明you’re supper stars. So I want to be a visitor.因此我想过一过当记者的瘾,来采访采访你们,ok?
    S :ok
    T: hi,nice to see you,(握手) how old are you? (板书How old are you?) what’meaning? Ok, go on,how old are you? When is your birthday? 拿出birthday卡片,what‘s meaning?ok.有关birthday 歌你能不能来两句。Ok,Thank you, Goodbye!(奖励)
    T:Do you want to be a visitor?
    S: Yes.
    T:Ok.Please visit to your friends.
    (学生对话练习: how old are you ? When is your birthday ?并表演。)
    T: Give him a big hand .
    (设计理念:四年级学生有着很强的表现欲望,有记者采访当然很是高兴啊,也许会想象长大后的自己,就更有成就感,抓住孩子们的这一心理特征引入How old are you?并不困难,因此设计可以供学生发挥自己水平的主题,创造更多的活动,学生就有了表现自己的空间。)
    (1)T: now ,let’s play a game.ok?
    One student passes the apple to another student. And say “ how old are you ?-------- Next say I’m ______.--------When is your birthday ?---------My birthday is _______.When stop,you must act like a animal.Understand?(Yes)ok,let’s go.
    What’s your name A boy or a girl? What’s your favourite colour How old are you? When is your birthday?

    Step 5
    Suming –up
    Step 6
    a. Find the colous with your friends in your life.
    b. Copy the new words and sentences.
    Lesson17 How Old Are You?
    What colour is it? How old are you?
    red yellow blue I am ___years old.
    one year

      上一篇:PEP小学英语四年级下册第三单元教学设计 下一篇:五年级下册英语单词表


