When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a
thousand reasons to smile.
特别火的一部励志短片: Validation。国内现有的视频中只有中文字幕,我找到了英文脚本,很不错的英文学习资料,特整理分享如下:
Bald guy : I'm here to get validated
Hugh : You…You are awesome
Bald guy: Excuse me?
Hugh: You have an amazing face, you've got powerful features man anyone ever tell you that?
Bald guy: No, No
Hugh: Then listen, you look a little down and it may seem like sometimes people don't understand you, but some day man, SOME day people are going to see you for what you really are
Bald guy: You…you really think so?
Hugh: Absolutely, You are great
Lady with sunglasses : Need a validation please
Hugh : You, You are great maam, you have amazing cheekbones
Lady with sunglasses : really?
Police 1 : Sir!
Police 2 : Yes?
Police 1 : We have a situation
Police 2 : Where?
Hugh : you have so much life experience that other dont appreciate that you know
Old lady : Bless you dear
Police 1 : They're not patronizing the shop, they're just coming here to see him!
Hugh : Sir you're in a great shape! You work out?
Police Chief : Not for long
Police Chief : Young man, we are running a business here not a social club
Hugh : That is a fantastic suit, it really flatters you
Police Chief : You…think so?
Hugh : You guys worked so hard, you are the backbone that keeps this place running!
Police 2 : I always felt like no one really appreciated us
Police Chief : Yeah i mean our jobs are so stressful it seems like, most of the timespeople don't see it
Hugh : NO, what you do is so important
Police Chief : You know I bet the boss would love to meet you
Hugh : You are great, you provide hundred of jobs, sustaining hundred of families, that'shuge!
Boss : That's so good to hear, most of the time I feel people don't recognize that, i'm just a big bad man in hell
Hugh : Not at all, you give
Boss : You know some people would probably like to meet you
Hugh : Mr. president, no matter what people say about you, you still got a great golf swing
Bush : God bless you
Hugh : You do!
Hugh : You have a fantastic moustache, i bet look at you and get envious, I'm not kidding!
Osama : Thank you
Hugh : You're welcome!
News report : Hugh Newman a man who is changing the world with free parking and free compliments
Police : Your license is expired sir
Hugh : That is great at what you do, you are so thorough
police : Really? you think so?
News reporter : Hugh, what is your secret?
Hugh : I just love to see people smile!
News reporter : It seems like there is no one Hugh Newman cannot make smile
Victoria : Next!
Victoria : No one smiles in their driving license photo sir, its not allowed
Victoria : Next!
Victoria : Next!
Hugh : You are amazing, you are so efficient
Victoria : Next!
Hugh : Victoria..aw that's a beautiful name
victoria : Next!
Hugh : You take such good care of your equipment, anyone is lucky to have you
Victoria : We're closed sir
Hugh : Victoria, I just..want to see you smile
Victoria : Good night sir
Hugh : Where do i go for
Victoria : We don't validate sir
Victoria: Next!
Hugh : They match your eyes, sorta, Oh you have the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen
Victoria : Next..
Hugh : You eat healthy too, see you take good care of yourself, that's awesome
Hugh : See? You're even a great pet owner, you give her full hours of walk, most people
wont take the time, but you care! oh you care
Hugh : Have you ever smiled?
Victoria : Yes
Hugh : When?
Victoria : When i was a little girl
Hugh : Aww, i bet you have a beautiful smile, what happened to it?
Victoria : Next!
Hugh : Look like anyone you know?
Victoria : Next!
Hugh : There's color and black and white
Victoria : Next!
Victoria : Next!
Hugh : I just wanted to see you smile
Victoria : I'm sorry
Victoria : Next!
Bald guy : I'm here to get validated please!
Hugh : You're..okay i guess
Bald guy : Okay? Did you say okay?
Hugh : Yeah you're fine..
Bald guy : Don't you have anything else to say?
Hugh : What's the point..
Guy : Hey! excuse me! excuse me! Could you take our picture?
Guy : Thanks, really appreciated it
Girl : It's our first time here
Hugh : Smile
Hugh : That's not a real smile
Hugh : You guys love each other?
Hugh : You're on vacation travelling the world?
Hugh : God that's great, Wish i can travel the world with the one i love, wish i can have someone take our picture and really smile
Hugh : You guys have every reason to smile!
Hugh : You're gorgeous!
Hugh : You are prime of your lives! and you guys..are great!
Hugh : Hold it right there, Now That! its a smile..
Hugh : One more one more right there
Hugh : Aw that's it! one more one more
Hugh : Beautiful Beautiful! Look at each other
Hugh : Aw fantastic couple
Hugh : What do you love most about your wife?
Husband : Erm, she accepts me, despite knowing
Hugh : Where did you meet?
Girl : Laundry duty
Hugh : Aw , serve your country at the love of your lives, you guys are awesome
Hugh : Beautiful beautiful
Girl : Thank you so much
Hugh : Okay bye
Guy : Excuse me, you get the most sincere smile out of people i've ever seen, you wanna make some extra money? Shooting stuff like this?
Hugh : Friendly folks, sorry to interrupt, you're a beautiful couple
Hugh : You're models?
Guy 1 : No
Hugh : Would you like to be?
Hugh : You have two the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen
Lady on wheelchair : Excuse me?
Hugh : Your eyes, they are gorgeous! And your dress matches your eyes, its perfect! May I?
Lady on wheelchair : Okay
Hugh : What do you love most on the world?
Lady on wheelchair : My daughter, she has the most wonderful smile
Hugh : Hello, I'm here to attend some cleaning, Hugh Newman?
Receptionist : Hello Hugh, can you just keep the driver's license over there?
Hugh : Sure
Receptionist : Thank you
Hugh : Hey
Guy 2 : hey
Hugh : How did you..You're..Smiling! But..she..did you
Shabbly guy : NEXT!
Hugh : Excuse me sir, er where's Victoria?
Shabbly guy : She don't work here, she's fired!
Shabbly guy : NEXT!
Hugh : Fired? Why?!
Shabbly guy : She was smiling, look at this, she DID this, look at that girl smiling, look a
that! those pictures SUCK! they're not suppose to smile!
Hugh : Where is she?
Victoria : You are awesome, you're gona have so much fun on this trip, the stories you're gonna tell people when you get back will be amazing
Lady : I can't wait, I've always wanted to see Paris
Hugh : I don't understand, I tried everything, what happened?
Victoria : When I was a little girl, my mother got very sick and she stayed that way
Victoria : And over the years she got so sad that she forgot how to smile
Victoria : And seeing her like that I couldn't smile either, and i didn't ..for years
Victoria : But then one day , a young man came up to her and told her how beautiful she was, so beautiful that you wanted to take her picture
Victoria : He made her smile and suddenly after all those years she got better
Victoria : I knew it was you , I looked everywhere for you, but I couldn't find you
Victoria : I went to every garage in town , I paid every ticket they had but i couldn't find you
Hugh : You paid for parking for me?
Victoria : Yes, because you…are great
Victoria : You…are amazing
Hugh : No one has ever said that about me before