You eat healthy, nutritious foods every day to nourish and sustain high levels of physical health and energy. In the same way, you feed
your mind with healthy mental foods every day to keep yourself
cheerful, optimistic, and upbeat, no matter what happens.
Feeding your mind with nourishing information will keep you mentally strong and fit. Over 50% of adults will never read a book after they graduate from high school. Continually learning, improving your skills and increasing your knowledge is the key to success, yet the average adult doesn’t read more than one book a year; the average person does, however, watch 1,456 hours of television annually.
If you were to change what you eat it would change every cell in your body over time. The same is true with your mental health; if you were to change what you put into your mind, it would have an impact on your personality, your perceptions, your relationships, your health and your happiness. Changing your mental diet will affect every aspect of your life.
Feed your mind with mental protein instead of feeding your mind mental junk food. Continuously feed your mind with positive, nourishing information that is good for your life and for your future. Stay away from negative, time-wasting information that does nothing for you. As Zig Ziglar says, “you are where you are and what you are because of what’s gone into your mind and you can change what you are and you can change where you are by changing what goes into your mind”.
一定要经常为自己补充“心灵营养蛋白”而非“心灵垃圾食品”。不停地汲取积极有营养的精神食粮对你的生活和将来都有好处。一定要远离那些既消极又浪费你时间的信息,这些东西对你没有任何好处。正像Zig Ziglar所说,“你的思想决定你现在的一切。通过改变你的思想你可以改变你的一切。”