第二十章 知性--诚则明,明则诚
When we have intelligence resulting from sincerity, this condition is to be ascribed to nature; when we have sincerity resulting from intelligence, this condition is to be ascribed to instruction. But given the sincerity, and there shall be the intelligence; given the intelligence, and there shall be the sincerity.
由真诚而自然明白道理,这叫做天性;由明白道理后做到真诚,这叫做人为的教育。真诚也就会自然明白道理,明白道理后 也就会做到真诚。
无论是天性还是后天人为的教育,只要做到了真诚,二者也 就合一了。
革命不分先后,明道向善不问先天后天。从另一个角度看,这 里也表达了天人合一的思想。