《中庸》中英文版 第二十五章
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      第二十五章 博学--真诚是没有止息的


      Hence to entire sincerity there belongs ceaselessness.

      Not ceasing, it continues long. Continuing long, it evidences itself.

      Evidencing itself, it reaches far. Reaching far, it becomes large and substantial. Large and substantial, it becomes high and brilliant.

      Large and substantial;-this is how it contains all things. High and brilliant;-this is how it overspreads all things. Reaching far and continuing long;-this is how it perfects all things.

      So large and substantial, the individual possessing it is the co-equal of Earth. So high and brilliant, it makes him the co-equal of Heaven. So far-reaching and long-continuing, it makes him infinite.

      Such being its nature, without any display, it becomes manifested; without any movement, it produces changes; and without any effort, it accomplishes its ends.

      The way of Heaven and Earth may be completely declared in one sentence.-They are without any doubleness, and so they produce things in a manner that is unfathomable.

      The way of Heaven and Earth is large and substantial, high and brilliant, far-reaching and long-enduring.


      The Heaven now before us is only this bright shining spot; but when viewed in its inexhaustible extent, the sun, moon, stars, and constellations of the zodiac, are suspended in it, and all things are overspread by it. The earth before us is but a handful of soil; but when regarded in its breadth and thickness, it sustains mountains like the Hwa and the Yo, without feeling their weight, and contains the rivers and seas, without their leaking away.

      The mountain now before us appears only a stone; but when contemplated in all the vastness of its size, we see how the grass and trees are produced on it, and birds and beasts dwell on it, and precious things which men treasure up are found on it. The water now before us appears but a ladleful; yet extending our view to its unfathomable depths, the largest tortoises, iguanas, iguanodons, dragons, fishes, and turtles, are produced in it, articles of value and sources of wealth abound in it.

      It is said in the Book of Poetry, "The ordinances of Heaven, how profound are they and unceasing!" The meaning is, that it is thus that Heaven is Heaven. And again, "How illustrious was it, the singleness of the virtue of King Wan!" indicating that it was thus that King Wan was what he was. Singleness likewise is unceasing.


      故至诚无息(1),不息则久,久则征(2),征则悠远,悠远则博厚,博厚则高明。博厚,所以载物也;高明,所以覆物也;悠久,所以成物也。博厚配地,高明配天,悠久无疆(3)。如此者,不见而章(4) 不动而变,无为而成。





      (1)息:止息,休止。(2)征:征验,显露于外。(3)无疆:无穷无尽。(4)见(xian):显现。章:即彰,彰明。(5)一言:即一字,指“诚”字。(6)不贰:诚是忠诚如一,所以不贰。(7)斯:此。昭昭:光明。 (8)华岳:即华山。(9)振:通“整”,整治,引申为约束。(10)一卷(quan)石:一拳头大的石头。卷:通“拳”。

      (11)不测:不可测度,指浩瀚无涯。 (12)《诗》云:以下两句诗均引自《诗经•周颂•维天之命》。维,语气词。放(wu)语气词。穆,深远。不已,无穷。不显,”不”通“丕”,即大;显,即明显。采集者退散


      所以,极端真诚是没有止息的。没有止息就会保持长久,保持长久就会显露出来,显露出来就会悠远,悠远就会广博深厚,广博深厚就会高大光明。广博深厚的作用是承载万物;高大光明的作用是覆盖万物;悠远长久的作用是生成万物。广博深厚可以与地相比,高大光明可以与天相比,悠远长久则是永无止境。达到 这样的境界,不显示也会明显,不活动也会改变,无所作为也会有所成就。



      上一篇:《中庸》中英文版 第二十四章 下一篇:《中庸》中英文版 第二十六章


