107.Show no self-satisfaction
Show no self-satisfaction. You must neither be discontented with yourself-and that were poor-spirited-nor self-satisfied-and that is folly. Self-satisfaction arises mostly from ignorance: it would be a happy ignorance not without its advantages if it did not injure our credit. Because a man cannot achieve the superlative perfections of others, he contents himself with any mediocre talent of his own. Distrust is wise, and even useful, either to evade mishaps or to afford consolation when they come, for a misfortune cannot surprise a man who has already feared it. Even Homer nods at times, and Alexander fell from his lofty state and out of his illusions. Things depend on many circumstances: what constitutes triumph in one set may cause a defeat in another. In the midst of all incorrigible folly remains the same with empty self-satisfaction, blossoming, flowering, and running all to seed.
(1) 见箴言第83条注(2)。
(2) 亚历山大大帝(前356-前323):古马其顿国王,著名的征服者。20岁即位,先巩固了在希腊的霸权,后大举东征,在西起巴尔干半岛与尼罗河、东至印度河的广袤领域建立帝国。公元前326年-前323年东征中多处负伤,最后病死,随即帝国迅速瓦解。