Part of a Man's Life: Books Unread 人生必经之途:未读之书
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    Part of a Man's Life: Books Unread


    Thomas Wentworth Higginson



    托马斯·温特沃斯·希金森(Thomas Wentworth Higginson,1823—1911),美国教士、作家、激进的废奴主义者。他在19世纪四五十年代的废奴运动中非常活跃,在南北战争中为南军立下不少战功。内战结束后,他一直撰文维护黑人和妇女的权利,终其一生从未曾停下手中的笔。

    希金森的作品文笔优雅,词情恳切,富有人文气息,充满对自然的向往。美国著名女诗人埃米莉·狄更生(Emily Dickinson)对希金森极为仰慕,曾去信恳求希金森担任其导师,并自称“您的学生”。两人一度保持通信,交流彼此对文学的看法。狄更生去世后,希金森等人整理出版的诗集引起世人关注,奠定了狄更生在美国文坛的地位。

    希金森经常在《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly)上发表文章,狄更生最初就是通过此刊物与其相识的。本文首次发表于1904年《大西洋月刊》,对“梦中翻阅未读之书”的描写尤为精彩。读罢此文,你或许能够理解狄更生何以对其仰慕不已。

    “No longer delude thyself; for thou wilt never read thine own memoranda, nor the recorded deeds of old Romans and Greeks, and those passages in books which thou hast been reserving for thine old age.”

    In the gradual growth of every student's library, he may—or—may not continue to admit literary friends and advisers; but he will be sure, sooner or later, to send for a man with a tool-chest. Sooner or later, every nook and corner will be filled with books, every window will be more or less darkened, and added shelves must be devised. He may find it hard to achieve just the arrangement he wants, but he will find it hardest of all to meet squarely that inevitable inquiry of the puzzled carpenter as he looks about him, “Have you really read all these books?”The expected answer is, “To be sure, how can you doubt it?”Yet if you asked him in turn, “Have you actually used every tool in your tool-chest?”you would very likely be told, “Not one half as yet, at least this season; I have the others by me, to use as I need them.”Now if this reply can be fairly made in a simple, well-defined, distinctly limited occupation like that of a joiner, how much more inevitable it is in a pursuit which covers the whole range of thought and all the facts in the universe. The library is the author's tool-chest. He must at least learn, as he grows older, to take what he wants and to leave the rest.

    This never was more tersely expressed than by Margaret Fuller when she says, “A man who means to think and write a great deal must, after six and twenty, learn to read with his fingers.”A few men of leisure may satisfy themselves by reading over and over a single book and ignoring all others, like that English scholar who read Homer's Iliad and Odyssey every year in the original, devoting a week to each canto, and reserving the minor poems for his summer vacation. Nay, there are books in the English language so vast that the ordinary reader recoils before their text and their footnotes.

    Of course, the books which go most thoroughly unread are those which certainly are books, but of which we explore the backs only, as in fine old European libraries; books as sacredly preserved as was once that library at Blenheim—now long since dispersed—in which, when I idly asked the custodian whether she did not find it a great deal of trouble to keep them dusted, she answered with surprise, “No, sir, the doors have not been unlocked for ten years.”It is so in some departments of even American libraries.

    Matthew Arnold once replied to a critic who accused him of a lack of learning that the charge was true, but that he often wished he had still less of that possession, so hard did he find it to carry lightly what he knew. The only knowledge that involves no burden lies, it may be justly claimed, in the books that are left unread. I mean those which remain undisturbed, long and perhaps forever, on a student's bookshelves; books for which he possibly economized, and to obtain which he went without his dinner; books on whose backs his eyes have rested a thousand times, tenderly and almost lovingly, until he has perhaps forgotten the very language in which they are written. He has never read them, yet during these years there has never been a day when he would have sold them; they are a part of his youth. In dreams he turns to them; in dreams he reads Hebrew again; he knows what a Differential Equation is; “how happy could he be with either.”He awakens, and whole shelves of his library are, as it were, like fair maidens who smiled on him in their youth but once, and then passed away. Under different circumstances, who knows but one of them might have been his? As it is, they have grown old apart from him; yet for him they retain their charms.

    Books which we have first read in odd places always retain their charm, whether read or neglected. Thus Hazlitt always remembered that it was on the 10th of April, 1798, that he “set down to a volume of the New Eloise at the Inn at Llangollen over a bottle of sherry and a cold chicken.”In the same way I remember how Professor Longfellow in college recommended to us, for forming a good French style, to read Balzac's Peau de Chagrin; and yet it was a dozen years later before I found it in a country inn, on a lecture trip, and sat up half the night to read it. It may be, on the other hand, that such haphazard meetings with books sometimes present them under conditions hopelessly unfavorable, as when I encountered Whitman's Leaves of Grass for the first time on my first voyage in an Azorian barque; and it inspires to this day a slight sense of nausea, which it might, after all, have inspired equally on land.

    Wordsworth says in his Personal Talk, “Dreams, books are each a world.”And the books unread mingle with the dreams and unite the charm of both. This applies especially, I think, to books of travel: we buy them, finding their attractions strong, but somehow we do not read them over and over, unless they prove to be such books as those of Urquhart—the Pillars of Hercules especially, where the wealth of learning and originality is so great that we seem in a different region of the globe on every page. One of the most poetic things about Whittier's temperament lay in this fact, that he felt most eager to visit each foreign country before he had read any book about it. After reading, the dream was half fulfilled, and he turned to something else, so that he died without visiting any foreign country. But the very possession of such books, and their presence on the shelves, carries one to the Arctic regions or to the Indian Ocean.

    “After all,”as the brilliant and melancholy Rufus Choate said, “a book is the only immortality”and sometimes when a book is attacked and even denounced, its destiny of fame is only confirmed. Thus the vivacious and cheery Pope, Pio Nono, when asked by a too daring author to help on his latest publication, suggested that he could only aid it by putting it in the Index Expurgatorius. Yet if a book is to be left unread at last, the fault must ultimately rest on the author, even as the brilliant Lady Eastlake complained, when she wrote of modern English novelists, “Things are written now to be read once, and no more; that is, they are read as often as they deserve. A book in old times took five years to write and was read five hundred times by five hundred people. Now it is written in three months, and read once by five hundred thousand people. That's the proper proportion.”











    2.萨拉·玛格丽特·富勒(Sarah Margaret Fuller,1810—1850),美国著名记者、评论家、作家。



    5.马修·阿诺德(Matthew Arnold,1822—1888),英国诗人、文艺评论家,牛津大学教授。

    6.威廉·哈兹利特(William Hazlitt,1778—1830),英语随笔首屈一指的大家,英语文学批评的大家。





    11.托马斯·厄克赫特(Thomas Urquhart,1611—1660),英国作家、翻译家。


    13.约翰·格林里夫·惠蒂埃(John Greenleaf Whittier,1807—1892),美国诗人。

    14.鲁弗斯·乔特(Rufus Choate,1799—1859),美国律师、议员、演说家,1915年入选美国名人榜。

    15.皮奥·诺诺(Pio Nono),教皇庇护九世的意大利文昵称。

    16.伊斯特莱克夫人(Lady Eastlake,1809—1893),原名伊丽莎白,英国女作家。

      上一篇:The Choice of Books 择书之道 下一篇:Books Within Books 书中书


