# Eleanor #
She got home that afternoon before all the little kids, which was good because she wasn't ready to see them again. It had been such a freak show when she'd walked in last night…
Eleanor had spent so much time thinking about what it would be like to finally come home and how much she missed everybody -- she thought they'd throw her a ticker-tape parade. She thought it would be a big hugfest.
Ben just glanced at her, and Maisie -- Maisie was sitting on Richie's lap. Which would have made Eleanor throw right up if she hadn't just promised her mom that she'd be on her best behavior for the rest of her life.
Only Mouse ran to hug Eleanor. She picked him up gratefully. He was five now, and heavy.
But when Eleanor walked in the house, it was like her siblings didn't recognize her.
"Look, Dad, it's Eleanor," Mouse said, jumping down. "Do you know Eleanor?"
"Hey, Mouse," she said. They'd called him that since he was a baby, she couldn't remember why. He reminded her more of a big, sloppy puppy -- always excited, always trying to jump into your lap.